15 Indoor & Outdoor Activities To Do With Your Friends

Mercy Ebuetse is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Brielle Magazine.…
“Friendship requires work”
It can get difficult planning what to do with a friend or friends especially when you are hosting. My friend list is a very short one and most times I do not always have any itinerary planned per say because we are not in the initial stage of our friendship. Recently, I have been trying to make new friends as I am in a different location, I have had to think of activities which we can bond over.
If you are like me and you are completely clueless about which activities to try, I have come up with a list of fun things which you may want to try with friends without breaking the bank. These activities include things that you can do indoor and outdoor.
Related: 12 Things You Can Do Without Spending Your Money
I mean it could be any board game but I have had to play monopoly quite frequently and it has been really thrilling. Especially when I am winning. Monopoly is a great game to try with friends, although it is more interesting when it involves more than two players.
I will discuss the benefit of going on a road trip with friends in later posts but for now, these are just ideas on what you can do with a friend. I recently went on a road trip with a friend and even though I slept half of the way, it strengthened our friendship. I particularly got to know of something my friend was passing through. I guess road trips does open some secrets up. Just be ready. I will write all about my upcoming weekend getaway trip to Chicago with my friends. I am looking forward to it.
Who says you only must Netflix and chill with the boo alone? It doesn’t have to be in a cinema. Do you have this movie you have been dying to watch? You should probably wait to see it with a friend. I visited a couple yesterday and we joked about how she was going to tease her children that their dad was the one in a picture frame (the original picture that came with the frame). I said wait a minute, that happened in the tv show friends to Phoebe. So, I watched friends just a few weeks ago as a way of relieving some stress but trust me after I pointed the movie out we chit-chatted for a few minutes. Movies can bond friends, especially when watched together.
For someone like me who loves to read a “good” book, I consider this a fun activity especially when we get to discuss the book. I and my mom bond over the books that we read, it is almost like a reading competition sometimes. Recently, I reminisced about how I was introduced to some of my favorite authors by my mom. Wondering how to repair or build friendship/relationship? A book might fix it. I know my fiance loves to read and one of the best ways to catch his attention may be to read a book together. Reading a book doesn’t mean that you and your friend(s) must be in the same location. In fact, it can be done across continents or countries.
I love the fact that it is a competitive game. Okay, this has been my favorite game so far with friends. I had friends who came over for the Easter celebration and this was one of the things we tried out and it was fun, to say the least. I ended up losing but who cares.
I cannot sing to save my life but I have a friend who is a karaoke fan and had all the instruments. One day I went visiting and I indulged myself. It was so much fun, I doubt that I would do that outside. It is a fun activity to try with a friend.
I love riding a bicycle. The last time I rode a bicycle to a nearby fast food my friend jogged along to catch up with me. I am not a bad friend but there was only one bicycle and I had to be the one riding it. After all, I wasn’t the host.
Hiking is a fun when done with a group of friends. It is an outdoor activity. You do not need to spend money on this activity. Look for a trail and take a walk with a friend.
Since you are going hiking, you can decide to take a tent along with you and camp there for the night. Remember when you were younger and you were sent to a camp? Wasn’t it so much fun? It would be cool to spend a day in a tent with your friends.
It can sometimes be boring to go to a concert alone. Every time I go to the cinema alone it amazes people around me, I guess it is the same with going to a concert. Although you must be comfortable going out alone if you are looking for things to do with a friend, then a concert is at the top of the list. Most of the concerts I have gone for were rowdy and with my dad but I hope to go to more especially when it is with a friend or friends.
This can be done at home with little or no money spent or you can go to a spa to get it done by a professional. My friend gave me a spa treatment last week and it was fun and relaxing with a few yucks over the blackheads that were removed. I will be writing about homemade masks soon. Go gist over a good facial, body massage, pedicure, and manicure. Apart from the bonding, it is quite relaxing.
This may require a fair amount of money but this is something you should try with friends. Rent a boat and go on a cruise with a friend(s). It is also similar to going on a road trip.
Yesterday was fun as I played mortal kombat with friends. It had been a long time since I last played so I was quite stale but I was able to beat my fiance twice and I had some close wins. I took serious lashing but it was fun playing with friends. I would become a pro soon and I will talk about the good lashing I give to others. In my defense the pad I used was bad but I won twice.
Swimming is an outdoor activity. With the summer heat coming with great revenge, you may want to have this as an activity. Why go alone when you can go with friends? If there is a pool in your apartment or close by, head on there with a friend.
I enjoy playing laser tag because I get to feel like a cop. Yay! I think my team won if I can remember clearly but what was more fun was playing it with my friends. We went there to mark a birthday and we had fun with all the activities we tried out, laser tag was one of them.
What other activity do you think should be on the list? What has been your most favorite activity with a friend?
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Mercy Ebuetse is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Brielle Magazine. She launched Brielle Magazine 6 years ago to use her platform to inspire and empower readers through a mix of 'Faith, Lifestyle, and Culture' contents.