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20 Lifestyle Tips To Live a Healthier Life

20 Lifestyle Tips To Live a Healthier Life

Living healthy doesn’t only revolve around healthy eating and exercising alone; it is a lifestyle of healthy habits. Your body is like a physical shell that protects you throughout your lifetime. As we repeatedly abuse it with a damaging lifestyle, it starts to wear out quickly and its defensive shield is gradually eroded. 

There are life-changing tips that can help you have a healthier lifestyle and will not require you to break the bank. Here are 20 simple positive lifestyle changes/tips that can set you on a healthy pedestal.

20 bulletproof lifestyle tips you can follow to live a healthier life

1. Take more water daily

As the saying goes, ‘water is life’. To live healthily, one needs to consume at least eight glasses of water daily. Water helps the body excrete waste, thereafter, it carries the nutrients to different body parts. Daily, we lose water through bowel movement, urine, breathing, and sweat. As such, we should replenish our water intake.

2. Take enough rest and get more sleep

To eliminate fast aging and unhealthy look from exhaustion and stress, you need to give your body sufficient rest. Experts recommend 8 hours of sleep daily. If you want to live a healthier life, don’t joke with your rest and sleeping schedule.

3. Exercise

How else will you live healthily and prolong your life span if not by exercising? Step out of your home at least twice a week to strengthen your bones and muscles.

4. Take the right amount of fruits 

Fruits contain both minerals and vitamins, and these are two nutrients needed by the body for good health. So infuse fruits into your diet.

5. Quit excessive alcoholic intake

You can’t get your vitality from taking liquors rather take energy drinks and fruit juice. They are better options for healthy living.

6. Eat fresh vegetables

If you need nutrients like vitamin A and k, potassium, manganese, and minerals like folate that can help in building the body and aiding healthy living, then take or consume more vegetables.

7. Dump junk foods

This is the leading cause of obesity, high BP, and cancer. To stay healthy and build your immune system, cut out processed food from your diet.

8. Practice self-love

To glow naturally and live healthily, you have to love yourself, have high self-esteem, exude charm, and confidence. Stay unmoved in the face of difficult situations and intimidation.

9. Dump negativity

Positive mental health will lead you to self-discovery, which will help you live better. Always try to eliminate negative thoughts, dump toxic people and think positively in all areas of your life.

10. Limit your contact with trigger foods

Do you know those foods that you should stay clear of? Avoid going to places where you will be presented with opportunities to eat. Some of these foods have no nutritional value because its nutritional value has been lost during the course of preparation.

11. Take intermittent deep breaths

Take deep breaths from time to time and get your lungs filled with air. This will help promote vitality. 

12. Work on your posture

A good walking posture will help improve breathing. As a matter of fact, it boosts your confidence and attractiveness. Consciously avoid slouching. 

13. Seek joy from within

Joy wells from the inside of you. You have all the possible tools required to be happy. All you have to do is develop them. To cultivate happiness from within, delight thyself also in the Lord…(Psalms 37:4). 

14. Have a purposeful life

Living a purposeful life brings you joy. Set your priorities right and relentlessly strive to achieve them.

15. Have fun in no little way

Do fun activities! You can go hiking, swimming or sightseeing to refresh yourself or reinvigorate the body after a hard day of work. 

16. Cut down on sugary drinks 

Sugary or fizzy drinks are unhealthy for the body. Reduce the intake of drinks with high sugar which can lead to diseases like obesity and high BP.

17. Go organic

Organic foods are devoid of chemicals and unhealthy substances. If you need a healthier life, spend more money if need be, to consume food that is naturally grown and have healthy nutrients required by the body. You can start a vegan diet too, like consuming no animal or animal-derived products for healthier living.

18. Cut down on oil usage 

Be conscious of the amount of oil that you consume. Reduce the use of vegetable oil in your meals drastically because they contain toxic components. Healthier options are olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower but in small quantities.

19. Desist from smoking

Smoking can be detrimental to one’s health and may have an adverse effect on your immune systems. Cigarette companies often include this warning, ‘smokers are liable to die young’. To live healthy and longer, it is advisable to ditch cigarettes. 

20. Cultivate good relationships

Surround yourself with family and friends who aren’t detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Your mental and emotional health has the ability to affect your physical health. We often overlook our relationships on our journey to healthy living but it is very pivotal to our physical health.


There you have them; 20 Lifestyle Tips to Live a Healthier Life. These tips are timeless and have been proven to boost vitality and vigor while keeping diseases at bay. You can try each out daily and go at your own pace.

Have you been practicing healthy living? Kindly share with us in the comment section your lifestyle tips for healthy living.

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