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Five Habits To Unlearn As We Enter The New Year

Five Habits To Unlearn As We Enter The New Year

To make huge progress in life, unlearning when necessary is essential. To live your life of purpose and get the results you desire, you must get ready to scrap out old and negative habits and give room for new and positive habits to form.

The end of the year is that time of the year when we begin to write out our resolutions and get ready for a new year.

Success does not just happen. There are certain changes you have to make to get the desired result you want. If you know that there are certain behaviors, habits, or attitudes that hinder you from living and doing your best, this is the right time to retrace your steps. 

With that in mind, here are a list of habits you can unlearn as enter the new year: 

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  1. Comparing yourself to others: When you focus on mistakes, they make you feel less of yourself and heighten negative thoughts. Focusing on the negative gives room for comparison. You begin to notice who did better than you did and how way back or unproductive you are. In this coming year, it is time to give yourself more credit for who you are. Make room for self-acceptance, celebrate yourself, celebrate your little wins, learn and grow from your mistakes, and see other people’s success as a motivation for yours.
  1. Dwelling on the past: No doubt, we cannot completely shut our minds from the experiences of the past. I am certain we all have one or two things we wish we had done differently in the past. But, if you frequently replay the past in your head and fail to learn from the unpleasant experiences, you may just be reopening old wounds, which might negatively affect your mental health, contribute to anxiety and put you in the state of blaming yourself constantly. Whenever you are in that moment again, engage yourself and focus on having better results for a better future. 
  2. Overspending: From trying to meet up to social media lifestyle standards to living to impress people around us, the pressure can be a lot. We tend to get carried away and sometimes end up in debt. This can actually be controlled if we set our own standards and live within our means not minding the pressure around. Living on a budget within our means should be the goal this new year. Set your own standards and live as you can afford. Don’t try to please or impress anyone or spend more than you cut out. 
  1. Failing to say no: Saying no is a bit hard from the giving end. Many times, we go out of our way to help out or say yes, even when not favorable to us. An easy way to step out of this guilt trap is setting boundaries. When someone needs your help and it is not working for you, politely say no and explain why. It might not be easy the first, second, and probably the third time but you have to grow into it. Always make people understand when you cannot go out of your way. It does not make you a bad person, you are only working based on convenience. People will definitely think ill of you when they ask for help and hear no from you. Be firm with your boundaries and make them understand. This coming year, focus on yourself, say no when you need to, be firm and live!
  1. Multi tasking: Doing a lot at once seems like a great idea until your productivity drops, and you are unable to function as you ought. Your attention is divided when you multitask, which in turn makes your performance drop, and you are more likely to make mistakes. In this coming year, practice mindfulness. Learn how to become more conscious of what you are doing. 

New year signals a fresh start. It is not too late to unlearn for the new year. Begin the new year with joy and good habits.

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