Mr & Ms Right: Having the perfect relationship
On Sunday I decided to watch a movie and I usually won’t opt for romantic movies in the cinema (there is no fast forward in inappropriate scenes) but I did because that was the earliest movie available and I didn’t want to sleep at the cinema. Beyond that I am not so big on romantic movies either, give me a thriller or an action movie if I have to watch a movie (movies for me have always been a way to let out steam and relax a bit. Many at times I just want to see the pictures move as I doze to sleep, weird right?).
The cinema isn’t one of my favourite places either (I am not much of a crowd person). Scrap that! I am not a crowd person at all! I avoid crowded places. While in school the cafeteria was a dreaded place for me, not that I liked food much, maybe not at all, so it was all good, I didn’t have to be there a lot. In a bid to have what you call a “social life” not that I mind the level it is right now, maybe just a little, I decided I’ll go to the cinema once in a blue moon after all church was in the cinema and yet I still wasn’t going.
What is all this cinema jargon about anyways?! As I settled to watch the movie which I had chosen “The perfect man”, I realized that this movie fitted this topic which I had started working on some days back. As the name implies there was a “Perfect man” and I knew it was too perfect to be true, I could tell smell it from my seat. He gave all the right answers, was at the right place at the right time, everything was just unerringly perfect and I wasn’t buying into it one bit. Everyone was taken by him except me! or at least everyone in the movie thought he was awesomely perfect.
Seems like the average man/woman is searching for a “Perfect relationship”. We can see that from the trending hashtag #relationshipgoals. Disney/Telemundo aren’t helping matters either. Sorry to burst your bubble/fantasy there is simply no such thing as “The Perfect Relationship”. If individuals have their imperfections why then do you expect relationships to be perfect? After all relationships are two imperfect individuals coming together to form perfection! Ah yes! Remember maths? Two negatives equal positive (two imperfect individuals equals perfection). I compliment you, you compliment me; I cover you, you cover me…
You can’t even begin to mention factors like background, personality…There are times when you will have contradicting views, times you would feel ignored, unhappy, misunderstood. Times when your partner may not live up to expectation. Yes, even the “seemingly” perfect relationships have their down days. They have learned that relationships require work/attention and they are ready for what it requires.
So for me, a relationship should be about two right people coming together knowing they have imperfections but they are willing to grow, learn and make it work. Quit looking for Mr. Perfect/Miss Perfect and seek for ways to develop yourself into becoming the right person. Ask yourself this question: Would you love to marry you? If your answer is No which it may always be, take out time to work on those areas that need fixing.
This is not to encourage certain traits in individuals. Don’t stick to a relationship that you know should end just because you tell yourself there is no perfect person. There are certain qualities/characters that you should look for. One of the best litmus tests of love is 1 Corinthians 13:4-6:
_______ suffereth long, and is kind; ________ envieth not;
_________ vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
I replaced Charity with a dash, so you could fill his/her name there i.e “Charles suffereth long…“. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 is the picture of love and love is perfection. If he/she has these qualities, that is the definition of perfection to me. If your partner works in love then there is every tendency that he/she wouldn’t cheat, wouldn’t lie, wouldn’t beat you, wouldn’t neglect you…
Cheers to having a blissful relationship!
Share your opinion/experience with everyone! Looking forward to reading your comments on “Mr&Ms Right: Having the perfect relationship”
Wow really inspiring.. really true. Thanks dear
Thank you Nifemi 🙂