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Treating Your Mind Right

Treating Your Mind Right

The mind is where people’s thoughts come from; which leads to the things they believe, which leads to what they say, which also leads to the things they act. And so, what precedes what someone thinks, is the input that has entered the mind.

The mind is like a storage for different thoughts; good or bad thoughts, depending on the one who a person chooses to retain.

The mind is like a bank of thoughts; if you input bad things or ideas, you know that you will think bad thoughts. For instance, if you let the devil create series of accounts in the bank of your thoughts, you mostly withdraw bad thoughts. That is, if you accept the lies of the devil and store them in your mind, you think bad thoughts.

Nobody wants to think bad or wrong thoughts, therefore, be careful of what you allow in your mind. Be careful of the kind of things you listen to, read, expose yourself to because somehow these things come into our mind.

However, if you allow only good thoughts, good inputs, you only store in good information; you withdraw good thoughts which preceded good words and good actions.

Bottom line: feed your mind right and consciously choose the right thoughts.

You don’t get to feed your mind with wrong beliefs, wrong information, negative attitudes, unhelpful information, and so on, and expect yourself to think the right thoughts. It doesn’t work that way, what you allow in, is what shows on the outside.

In addition, you don’t get to allow the devil in your mind to rent a space or stay there and expect yourself to think good and right thoughts.

Our thoughts are very important and they precede so many things we do or say. For instance, if I read things that I know aren’t in line with what God has said concerning me, let’s say if I constantly read things that tell me lies about myself, what thoughts we will I think? I will be thinking of negative thoughts.

On the other hand, if I read edifying materials, if I constantly remind myself about God’s promises for my life, if I keep reading God’s Word and if I have a good relationship with Him, as well as if I consciously examine whatever I allow in my mind; my thoughts will be better and much more good.

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It is what you think you say, as well as act on.

Our thoughts affect us, either positively or negatively; depending on what we choose to allow in our minds.

Therefore, we need to constantly choose to think the right thoughts, believe the right things, and say the right things, as well as act the right way.

And so, I don’t want to live a negative life or a life that isn’t full of life, I want to live fully alive, thinking, saying, and doing the right things, by God’s grace.

Do you consciously choose what you allow in your mind? Let us know in the comment box, thank you!

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