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More Focus, less distractions

More Focus, less distractions

Having an outlook of ‘more focus, fewer distractions’ in our work or whatever we do, can help us in achieving more results in those things.

Focus and distractions are like two different sides of the coin; when you have one, you can’t have the other at the same time. For instance, when something distracts me, and I pay attention to it, it makes me not focus on what I ought to focus on. And so, I can’t both focus on something and be distracted at the same time; it’s either I’m focused on it, or I’m distracted by something else which won’t make me focus on it.

The focus is simply putting your concentration on something and doing that thing without distractions.

On the other hand, distraction is simply not concentrating on something.

Distractions often masquerade itself in different ways; they could come in form of our thoughts about some things, our surroundings where we are working, our gadgets such as phones, e-mails, social media, etc.

Distractions also aid procrastination and laziness. This is because when we get distracted, there is the possibility that we slow down on what we ought to do because our attention isn’t on that thing. This might cause of leaving the work for later or being lazy about the work and losing interest in the work.

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To get more results from our works, we need to focus on what we do and do it with full concentration. When we are working and we start checking our phones incessantly or we keep thinking about the food we haven’t eaten since morning, we might not be able to focus well on what we are doing.

And so, the focus has a lot of importance in our works, and here are some tips on how we can focus more:

  1. Recognize what distracts you: is it your thoughts, your phones, your desk, your surroundings? Etc.
  2. Make effort to detach yourself from the distractions: when you know what distracts you from work, it might in helping you to detach yourself from it This is because you can choose to stay away from that thing. For instance, if I know that checking my phone incessantly distracts me from working, I can choose to stay away from checking my phone or I can keep my phone away from me while working.
  3. Be disciplined about it: also, being disciplined about focusing on work is also important. When someone is disciplined about what he/she set out to do, that person gets more desired results.
  4. Take breaks: also, another thing we can do is to take breaks. Scheduling breaks during work can also help to ease stress and relax. When we schedule breaks, we get the chance to rest and not be too stressed out. Sometimes, stress can lead to avoiding work or avoiding what we ought to do.

Do you have tips on how you focus more on work or how you do away with distractions? Please share with us in the comment box, thank you!

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  • I even heard of apps like freedom that help to reduce distractions, and I heard of a phenomenon called deep work where you focus 100% on your work…we’re still learning…
    Thanks for the reminder Ayishat.

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