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Things to Consider when Matching Outfits with your Spouse

Things to Consider when Matching Outfits with your Spouse

From snapping pre-wedding pictures together to attending ‘owanbes’ together, to matching shoes, to dates, to attending red carpets, we see how couples match outfits together.

Sometimes we see how couples try to look fashionable and cute together through the way they match outfits together. Be it formal outfits, casual outfits, and even traditional outfits; couples match outfits together when they want to.

However, not all couples like to match outfits with their spouse, sometimes the reason being that they feel they might look some kind of way when they match outfits together.

Matching outfits with your spouse can look fashionable if you both do it well. That is, if you consciously plan or prepare to match your outfits well, you might both look fashionable.

And so, here are some things you can consider on matching outfits with your spouse:

  1. Work with a theme: you both need to decide on a theme to work with. What should be the idea behind you both matching outfits together? Are you trying to convey an idea with your outfits? This tip might not really apply to couples trying to match outfits for parties for instance. However, it might apply more to couples trying to match outfits for a photo session like a pre-wedding shoot. And so, when you choose a theme, e.g. a theme about sports, you will know what kind of outfits to wear, the colours to choose, etc. What choosing a theme will help do is give a direction of how both outfits should look like.
  2. The occasion: another thing to consider is the occasion you both are going for. Having the occasion in mind will also help you in choose the right type of outfits, as well as what you both are required to wear.
  3. Choose colours that complement each other: it is also important to choose colours that complement each other, and not colours that are totally contrasting. The colour of outfit the man wants to put on should complement the colour of outfit the woman wants to put on too. This is to make your outfits attractive, presentable, and well-coordinated. In addition, another thing to note when choosing colours is to choose colours that are suitable for both of you.
  4. Choose Clothing patterns that complement each other: the patterns of your clothes should also complement each other.
  5. Get the right style: this is especially for when you both are attending a party together. The styles of your clothes should complement each other. For instance, if you are to go for a wedding with your spouse, the style of your clothes should blend with each other.

And so, have you ever tried to match outfits with your spouse? How did both of you go about it? You can share some tips with us in the comment box below. Thank you.

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