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All About Social Media Fasting

All About Social Media Fasting

Social Media

Fasting is a recommended spiritual exercise for Christians. It is a set aside time for spiritual growth, empowerment, and consecration. As a result of social media gaining center stage in most of our activities, there is an emerging form of fasting known as social media fasting. Over consumption of social media results in depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Thus, Mental Health experts and Pastors highly recommend social media fasting.

Let us take a look at what it entails

What is social media fasting?

Social media fasting involves giving up one’s social media activities for a speculated amount of time. According to, a fast refers to giving up anything that one enjoys for a limited amount of time in honor of God. Consequently, it is a time where one abstains from engaging in all forms of social media activities. These include posting comments, stories, or photos, and turning off notifications.

This is a period where we submit our desires to God and allow Him work in us and through us. Additionally, it is a period to substitute social media with worship, word study, meditation, and prayers.

Why is it essential as Christians?

Social media is a consumable and the negative sides of consumables is that it can lead to an addiction. Without a doubt, social media falls into this category. As christians, it is important that we do not idolize certain things and that we do everything in moderation as recommended by Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:5).

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

Philippians 4:5

Idolizing social media is common among christians and non christians. Therefore, it is important to guard our hearts against such devices. People begin to idolize social media by being overly reliant on social media and gradually loosing focus on God. In addition, being overly reliant on social media, can lead to negativity, anxiety, depression, etc. All these unhealthy emotions are not convenient for our spiritual and mental wellbeing.

In conclusion, are you an addict of social media? Or are you feeling disconnected from God? Then, a social media fast is recommended and remember not to be too hard on yourself if this is a difficult hard habit to break.

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  • This is pertinent. Social media has a way of distracting us a lot and feeding our minds with negativity; not to cancel the good of it, but knowing where and when to draw the line is highly important.

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