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Dear Christian Blogger: Mastering The Art Of Consistent Content Creation

Dear Christian Blogger: Mastering The Art Of Consistent Content Creation

Dear Christian Blogger, 

We can all agree that creating good and quality content on a regular basis can be quite the hassle. But just as nothing good comes easy, it is the price any creator/blogger should be willing to pay. If you want excellence and growth, then consistent content creation is a lifestyle. Simply put, Churning Out Quality Content Frequently = Excellent Blogger/Content Writer With Time. And this is not me even blabbing. It happens!

Although consistently putting out content your audience relates to and appreciates is never so easy, it is still not far-fetched. It is possible! Yes! You can skillfully create premium content as frequently as scheduled. Know that content creation is an art. Therefore, in order to fully grasp what it is all about, a lot of work has to be put in. And by “work”, I mean, time, discipline, motivation, and mastery.

In general, time, discipline, and so on, is required if you want to make headway in anything. And so goes for content creation. To succeed at it, consistent effort is key in getting you where you want to go. At this point, it is more than having the perfect ideas and plans. Because without consistent action, the perfect ideas and plans are likely not going to work. 

This is to say that to be a great blogger/content writer, you have to master the art of consistent content creation. 

Here is how you can do that:

  1.  Use a content schedule/calendar: With content creation, scheduling is effective in helping you batch out quality content regularly. Taking off a week or days off social media or the blog to put a content calendar in place will go a long way in preparing you for tasks ahead and grounding you in the job. Thus, eliminating panic posting or the dread that comes with continuously creating. 
  1. Make the process fun: When content creation becomes a full-time job, it is difficult to enjoy the process. This ought not be so. Always bear in mind that creating content is art. What is art when the ability to enjoy it while creating it, is taken away – pure stress. No matter how your bank balance depends on the likes or converts, never forget to make the process fun and enjoyable.
  1. Streamline the process: It is not every time you have to create overly long posts. Sometimes, short and breezy posts would do too. Just know how to balance them out. Then, the creative process will not be tiring or dreadful. There are apps that make editing, graphic designing easier too. Use them if you must.
  1. Batch out content: If you are a content creator or blogger and not a planner, you should make a u-turn. It comes in handy. Nothing is more productive than assembling all necessary information, pictures, and write-ups into a particular folder. This way, the focus is more. Also, there is no room for unnecessary stress. Making the whole experience refreshing rather than draining. 

Content creation does not have to be a difficult or tiresome process. Just master the art and watch yourself grow in it. Remember that growth does not happen overnight. Consistency makes it happen. 

A friend,

Assumpta Idaka 

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