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Deep Thoughts: Anxiety

Deep Thoughts: Anxiety

Sometimes I find that I leap before I look and then one of three things happen when I become aware of the danger ahead. I either do some gymnastics and maneuver myself to land on my feet getting away with some light scratches, land fully on my butt dazed, completely knocked out of my senses or I powerfully will gravity to stop, hang in mid-air, then reverse myself back in time. I tell you it has happened at least once in a blue moon and I do have the power to turn the moon blue, Faith. But I digress from the thought for today; Anxiety.

In reaction to last week’s Deep Thoughts, someone who must not be named raised a question which I tried to answer hopefully to his satisfaction. Thus, I have decided to share it here and maybe expound on it. This is of course, with his permission. Last week I shared my thoughts on the awesomeness of what lies beyond the norm and what I had encountered in my brief experience of the other side. One of the discoveries was the excitement and fun which I had said comes after an initial anxious moment. If you haven’t read it, you can find it here. So on to the conversation.

He who must not be named: Hmmm, sometimes trying something new is easier said than done you know

Me lovely self: Well, it must not be something huge, but yes it can be difficult hence the initial anxiety. One really has to consciously decide to try something new.

He who must not be named: I personally do not like change. I don’t know what happened to get me to that point and every time I try something “new” the anxiety you spoke of is so real I can taste it. Some turn out good, some not so good, but the anxiety doesn’t go away. Got a new job, great pay and everything, I know God has my back – as always – but the anxiety is still there.

Me lovely self: Wow! There is an advice I came across for dealing with anxiety: when you are anxious or scared, you ask yourself; what is the worst that can happen, is someone going to die? If no then it’s not a big deal. So I guess you should always ask yourself that, maybe it would calm you down. Because trying new things once in a while is an awesome way of learning.

He who must not be named: I know that, funny enough

Me lovely self: Well, knowing is one thing, doing is another

He who must not be named: Haha! Yea, true.

Me lovely self: Maybe you should write it down in a card or paper and place it in your wallet so you could always bring it out once you find yourself getting anxious.

He who must not be named: Hmmm

While combing the internet to find more answers concerning anxiety, I came across an answer that opened my eyes to the trick behind anxiety. It is a trick of the mind where one is deceived into feeling powerful fear in the absence of danger wherein the struggle to protect oneself leads to the path of woe. Keeping this simple fact at the back of our minds should give us a clearer head in unraveling the trick and then doing what I suggested in the conversation above. I know the recommendation may not work for everyone so I do implore you to read and learn more about it from ‘The Anxiety Coach’ where you might just find a solution that fits your personality.

I am of the utmost conviction that we are people that would stand strong in the face of the battles raging within us, taking each step, each day to collect the right weapons and grenades that would lead us to victory. Let’s do this again next week. And oh, make sure you read the article by The Anxiety Coach.

Jaa mata!

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