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Listening to the first lines of Jason Nelson’s song dominion and he goes like “depression, you have to flee, you no longer have dominion over me” and I couldn’t help but think of a lot of people that have had to battle with depression. You probably have gone through the feeling before without even knowing that it’s called “Depression”.

I can’t just help but think that depression has to do with “Deep-pressing-on a person”.  It’s good that the English language gave it a name and that it exists in the dictionary, but in my own dictionary of words, I’d like to kick out depression. It doesn’t even exist! I can’t help but think that I have something personal against depression.

I really detest depression. Truly first impression matters and depression has never left even a good second impression on me. Depression is a thief of hope and joy and it knows that am not accusing it wrongly. Ask anyone that has ever been depressed and they would tell you. Depression robs you of God’s blessing because it knows that Joy is the access to God’s blessings.

Isa 12:3 Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation

Fact about depression is that it is a thing of the mind and it doesn’t rob you without your permission. Asides the fact that depression robs you of your blessings; it also has its effect on your health. Depression has an aging effect and hinders your spiritual growth.

Pro 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

depressed Two simple ways in which you can fight depression from the word of God;


Rule your spirit! As simple as this may sound if you don’t have a rule over your own spirit, then you can be easily tossed about by circumstances or situations.

Pro 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.


Encourage yourself! Depression would always give you reasons to be downcast, but the only way to fight back is to also give it reasons why you shouldn’t be.

1Sa 30:6 And David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people were grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encourage himself in the LORD his God.

If you would just take your eyes off the things that seem to weigh you down and fix your eyes on Jesus, then you would realize that it wasn’t so big after all, just like David and Goliath. Even if you are not capable you serve a capable God.

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