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Don’t let other people’s attitudes dictate your feelings

Don’t let other people’s attitudes dictate your feelings

Other people’s attitudes shouldn’t dictate how we feeling or how we act. We shouldn’t base how we feel on what someone else does to us, or on how someone makes us feel, or what someone says to us or didn’t say to us. How we feel or act shouldn’t be dependent on how somebody else treats us or does towards us.

If we base how we feel about someone else’s attitude towards us, we are giving them the power to dictate how we feel. And so, let’s say they act nicely to us; we feel happy. If they don’t act nicely or friendly towards us; we feel sad. No, this shouldn’t be so.

We should be who we are, based on what God’s Word says. We should be who we are based on how the Word of God has told us to be.

If I allow my friends to control the way I feel, I am giving them the power to dictate whether I am happy or not in different situations.

For instance, we shouldn’t base our happiness on whether someone compliments our outfit or whether someone tells us we are beautiful today. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to genuinely compliment someone and it’s also nice to receive genuine compliments from others, however, our attitudes or how we always feel shouldn’t be based on such things.

So what happens when someone doesn’t pass compliments on our outfit or on the way we look? Or what happens when our picture doesn’t get as many likes on Instagram as we thought it would get? Should we then be sad because we think others don’t like how we look or because we feel they don’t think we are beautiful today? NO.

Our attitudes and how we feel should be based on who God says we are, and not on how somebody else thinks we look, or what someone else says.

Don’t forget what God says about you, read the Word of God and always remind yourself of who you are in Christ as a believer.

We shouldn’t base how we feel on other people’s attitudes.

Don’t let other people’s attitudes dictate your feelings, no, don’t let this happen to you.

When people are unfriendly to you no matter how nice or indifferent you are towards them, giving them back the same unfriendly attitude or allowing them to colour our feelings like theirs shouldn’t be what we do.

Sometimes you might greet someone you want to buy things from, and the person doesn’t even answer you or he/she gives you a very rude reply; you don’t have to allow that affect you.

At times, it might be difficult to ignore it, but when you start to ignore things like that, it gets easier to ignore more.

I don’t have to frown back at the person who frowned at me.

I don’t have to be angry at someone who didn’t reply my greeting or someone who didn’t acknowledge my greeting.

No, I don’t have to.

Someone else’s attitudes or feelings shouldn’t dictate how I feel.

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