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“Feminist” Women Of The Bible

“Feminist” Women Of The Bible

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines feminism as the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state. Simply put, feminism is a concept that strives for equal opportunities to both men and women in different spheres. (1st Corinthians 11:12).

For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God 

1st Corinthians 11:12

Inasmuch as feminism has become a widespread notion, it is yet to sink its roots. This is because we live in a patriarchal society. Hence, there are still arguments on the validity of the concept, especially in the religion field.

However, in the bible, there are some stories of women who represent the core of feminism. It implies that these women epitomize the idea of equal rights, power, and opportunities among men and women.

Here comes my list:

  1. Esther (Esther 1-4): The story of Esther depicts a powerful woman. It records a woman who single-handedly saves her community from the hands of a wicked man called Haman. In the story, Esther is a girl living in a foreign land. The Persian prime minister terrorizes her people. Seeing the affliction meted to her people, she rises to the occasion and frees her people from the oppression. Contrary to Bible times, where women were the shadows of their spouses, Esther’s persona delineates determination, charisma, individuality, and resourcefulness. In other words, she embodies true feminism in the sense that whatever her male counterpart could have done to save their community, she did it.
  2. Deborah (Judges 4-5): The only female Judge ever mentioned in the Bible. In a time where women are housewives, Deborah helps in orchestrating an attack against the Canaanites. This attack culminates in victory eventually. Here, she is the mouthpiece of God to the people. This is a territory particular to men. Yet, when given the opportunity to prophesy to her people, she carries out the task to the letter. This story buttresses the saying, “what a man can do, a woman can do better”.
  3. Miriam (Exodus 2:1-10): Miriam is the definition of a strong woman. Her ability to care for her family, help her brothers, and lead her community is quite striking. The help she renders to her brother, Moses, while he leads the Israelites out of Egypt is what distinguishes her. She is also one who is not afraid to express herself, as seen when she challenges Moses. Her role in the Israelites freedom story centers around the concept of feminism where prophecy remembers her as the equal of Moses and Aaron in representing God before the people.
  4. Dorcas (Acts 9:36-42): Dorcas was one of the women active in the Early Church. She exudes grace, intelligence, benevolence, and love. A seamstress by profession, she also engages in activities that bring relief to the needy, especially the windows. This means that she sought to empower people how she could. It is noticeable that she was a well-known and respectable woman, considering the number of people who mourned for her when she died. This sheds light on the fact that she defied the status quo of her time.

As a Christian and a woman, these are some of the women who inspire me in the Bible. Their ability to be strong women while fulfilling purpose is praiseworthy. I hope they inspire you too.                                                                                                                              

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