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Festive Delights: Four Enjoyable Activities For The Season

Festive Delights: Four Enjoyable Activities For The Season

Yesterday, I read a funny post about the Christmas period and I couldn’t agree less. It is a story about a person having a truckload of work to do but could not do so much about his predicament because his whole consciousness had switched over to Feliz Navidad mode. Lol! As hilarious as this sounds, I can totally relate to it. 

Because growing up, I always wondered why my mum and dad worked during the Christmas period. In Assumpta’s head, her favorite holiday meant that businesses and workplaces shut down for the whole month. Now, I understand that not every person celebrates Christmas and as sad as it sounds, businesses will still have sell during this season. 

Nonetheless, as much as this season does not necessarily affect our day-to-day schedule, one can still be intentional about the season, as it opens up a new year. In essence, regardless of the fact that people are still busy and working this time of the year, you are not lazy or indisciplined if you decide to use this period for personal or fun purposes.

If anything, this is the perfect time to indulge yourself. Considering that the Christmas period opens up the new year and it is wise to enter the new year not burnt out but fully grounded and prepared.

Hence, if you can relate to the story but do not know the kind of activities that are mix of delight, festive, and productive, here are a list of enjoyable activities to do over the festive season:

  1. Indulge in your favorite hobbies: Wrapping gift items and spending time with the family would always be a great way to enjoy the holidays. However, what tops the list of enjoyable activities for the season is indulging in your favorite hobbies. Whether you are geared towards writing, cooking, reading, or traveling, spending time doing what you enjoy doing creates a serene atmosphere to pause, unwind, and refuel for the next year.
  1. Declutter your space: Personally, there is no activity I find more therapeutic in the Christmas season than decluttering. First, it steers you towards giving, as naturally, clearing out stuff reminds you of people in need and points you to what you can give to help them or put a smile on their faces. Additionally, decluttering your space during the festive season helps you remove negative things you do not want in your life, thus signaling a fresh start and keeping you grounded in the coming year.
  1. Carry out a year-in-review: Another enjoyable activity that is both engaging, productive, and suitable for the festive/crossover season is reviewing your year. Note that this kind of activity suggests that you pause, reflect on the year, and learn or grow from your mistakes, if there are any. Remember that this is a thorough activity. Therefore, if you are not interested in any form of serious work this period, it is advised that you do not go through with the full scope. Review in bits!
  1. Turn to some good books and movies: Looking to enjoy this special season to the fullest without necessarily leaving your house? Turn to some great books or novels. Whether they are Christmas related or not, great books or novels is and ideal practice for unwinding and getting you in a festive mood. Also, nothing fosters family bonding than settling down to watch a movie or discuss a good novel together.

Christmas does not always have to be the same old story. Let go of the boring and embrace the new, fun, and enjoyable with the list above. And if you have more that are not here, feel free to add in the comment section. 

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Happy Holidays 

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