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Financial Habits That Give Glory To God

Financial Habits That Give Glory To God

Did you know that managing your finances can give glory to God? The more I get into reading and studying the bible, the more intrigued I am when it comes to money matters from a Christian perspective.

Growing up, I remember always hearing the parable about the rich foolish man so much that I began to wonder if money was bad. I also remember the bible verse “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” (1 Timothy 6:10 ESV). However, as I’ve matured in my walk, I became more intrigued with God’s purpose for money in our lives.

Money in itself is not bad because it is designed to be a means to an end. For example, money buys you food so you can eat and function as a human being. That being said, we are made to give glory to God through our lives. If God cares about everything about us, then he also cares very deeply about how we manage our money. Unfortunately, as humans, we have a distorted view of money that we sometimes lack the habits to manage money effectively. In this blog, I want to highlight a few financial habits that give glory to God. 

1. Tithing: Giving 10% of your income to God is a way to give glory to him. According to the bible, giving your first seed to God gives him honor and shows him gratitude. Another thing that I love about tithing is that it sets the pace for the excitement of money. When you get a credit alert, there is this excitement that you may get that makes you want to spend it. Tithing has a way of making you pause before spending. This gives you a foundation to be intentional and less impulsive. 

2. Creating A Budget: When you look at creation, you can certainly find evidence that God is a planner, and he cares about the details of his creation. Budgeting is a way to plan for your present and future. The process of highlighting your plan is a way to give glory to God. In Habakkuk 2:2, God said “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Taking time out to write out your financial budget will give you a reference point to manage your finances.

3. Saving For Your Future: Any time I think about saving, the story of Joseph comes to mind. (Read Genesis 47:13-27). There were seven years of abundance and seven years of famine. The Egyptians were able to make it through those years of famine because of Joseph’s diligence to save. When you create a habit of saving money, it highlights the spirit of self-control and diligence which is pleasing on to God. 

These are 3 easy steps that can transform your financial life and give glory to God in the process. Challenge yourself to incorporate these habits in your daily life. 

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