Four Inspiring Prayers To Turn Your Worries Into Trust In God

I am Assumpta Idaka - an aesthete, freelance writer and…
My go-to verse to read when I am anxious or worried is Philippans 4:6-7. I love the fact that it does not ignore the fact that Christians battle with anxiety nor condemn us for being anxious humans. But it rather suggests a way out of the predicament.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
Often, when reading these Scripture, I wonder at the awesomeness of God, especially His love and intentionality. Because Philipians 4: 6-7 is one of those verses offering a step to step solution to handling one of the many mental challenges facing society – anxiety.
From the verses, we understand that prayer is a key weapon in battling anxiety or worry. It suggest that when we are faced with problems of challenges, rather than worry, we should turn to God in prayer. And in return, we get the peace of God which passes all understanding – wholesome.
However, it is one thing to know that prayer is the ultimate solution for worry and anxiety, and it is another thing to know what to pray in order to experience the kind of peace the Bible talks about
Today’s post offers a collection of uplifting prayers designed to transform worries into unwavering trust in God.
Take a look:
Worry 1: What if things turn out for the worse?
Prayer: Lord, I commit my heart and mind into your hands. Help calm my heart and mind and keep them fixed on you. Take away every spirit of worry or anxiety and replace it with your love and peace. Amen!
Worry 2: What if I never get the dream job/house?
Prayer: Lord, I know that your plans are good. Do not let the waiting season make me doubt you or your word. Help me trust that you have prepared only the best for me and in due time, I will see it manifested. Amen!
Worry 3: What If I acted in an ungodly manner today?
Prayer: Lord, you search the intents of our hearts. Search my heart! Today, I might have acted in a manner that did not please you. Forgive me! Also, remind that even when I fail or stumble, I am still your righteousness in Christ. Remove every sinful and stony flesh from me and baptize me with your love and grace. Amen!
Worry 4: What if I fail?
Prayer: Lord, you are my leader and gude. Strengthen my spirit and steps. Help me trust that because I am walking with you, I cannot fail. Take away every spirit of timidity and fear and encompass me with faith and hope in you.
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I am Assumpta Idaka - an aesthete, freelance writer and a creative. I scribble, curate, and create. I am very passionate about fashion, arts, Jesus, and books.