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God Will Not know – Lesson From Two Children

God Will Not know – Lesson From Two Children

I have been quite busy lately preparing for an exam but what happened last night blew my mind and I couldn’t wait to share. I have these children that come to play with me, so while I sat at my table trying to read they came in with so much noise that it was hard to concentrate. It wasn’t the first time they were coming to my room so I left them to play around in the room while I still tried to read.

Let’s rewind back to a few weeks ago when I got two sweets from a lady. I took one and didn’t really like it; I am not really a big fan of sweets so I kept the second in my bag. Fast forward to today, I decided it was time to throw it away as I had forgotten to give it out and it looked like it had melted a bit. So I threw it on the floor. From the conversation that happened between this two children, it was obvious that they had found the sweet lying on the ground.

My back was still turned against them so they probably thought I wasn’t listening. This is the funny conversation they had:

Girl: See sweet

Boy: It is Aunty Mercy’s own

Girl: Let’s lick it

Boy: No Mummy will beat us

Girl: Mummy would not know. Let us lick it.

I had heard enough! My ears were tingling already! What! A four-year-old could say mummy will not know. I was amazed. Then when they were about to leave she walked up to the table and decided to ask for the sweet herself.

Girl: Aunty Mercy we want to lick this sweet

I gently collected the sweet from her and said:

Me: No you can’t. It is bad.

The sweet was already exposed to air and was already on the ground and all sorts. Anyway, it was no longer edible. This conversation struck me! How many times have we told ourselves “God will not know”?

Passing through that situation, that temptation, that addiction and all we can think of is to keep it from God – “God will not know”. If the children had licked that sweet which was harmful because they wanted SWEET they probably would have ended up purging. Also, when I said No they may not have understood why or maybe they did because I explained it to them but we sometimes don’t understand why God is keeping the SWEET from us. We just don’t get that he is trying to tell us this is harmful.

Nobody had told the children that if mummy will not know – God will. They thought mummy was the all seeing one.

I always wondered why Adam didn’t eat out of the tree of life which God didn’t tell him he couldn’t take out of rather he went for the tree of death. The one he couldn’t touch. Well God said the day man ate out of the tree he would die. That day man died both physically and spiritually. Spiritually because he was taken out of the presence of God which he enjoyed freely in the garden of Eden and there were now certain protocols in getting to God. Physically because God says a thousand years is like a day and Adam didn’t leave for a thousand years so he died roughly that same day in the sight of God (Psalms 90:4). Well, you get what I mean. I would love to think that they were also of the opinion that God will not know and even after eating the forbidden fruit they hid from the one who could help them.

Then Jesus came and thank God we have life and we can access the Father freely. So great news we have Christ Jesus! There is life! Don’t let that SWEET (sin in most cases) rope you in by saying God will not know. He knows! This conversation also triggers a thought in my head as regards intimate relationships – Let’s have sex, God will not know. Well, the rules were put there to protect you and God will know.

Another side is when we know we have done wrong like David – We have slept with Bathsheba and we have tried to cover up by killing her husband. We have gone ahead to cover up even from God just as David tried to do. He knows! Sometimes we are so conscious of trying to hide from people that we forget that God is seeing/watching. We carry this same attitude of cover up to his presence.

I’d round up with a scripture that always amazes me. It’s God’s instruction for us to reason with him. This is not to bring self-condemnation in any way; it’s just to show us that as little children of God who have probably licked SWEETS we shouldn’t have it’s not too late to go to him. Next time ask him – Lord why shouldn’t I have this SWEET?

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crisome, they shall be as wool.”

That job may look like the best option but God is saying leave this sweet, I have something better for you. That relationship may not be it for you and He is saying leave this sweet I have something better for you. Like the prodigal son, we can always return. He is faithful and Just to forgive us.

I learned! I hope you did too? 



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  • Lol at the children…thinking back i can really count how many times i said that…hehe #for those who dont know me…im now saved o. Sure, i learnt…these things happen everyday and you know, the feeling you get after you’ve done the right thing is priceless…yes you may still be in need and in their case, salivating, but the joy and rest you get is just …….priceless. #obediencepays.

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