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How 50 shades of Grey changed my view on Pornography

How 50 shades of Grey changed my view on Pornography


Oh…that word. There are two possible reactions you most likely had as you read the ‘P-word’. It could have been; “oh my GOD! That thing that sexual sinners watch? Absolutely sold to the world, they are!”

And then your reaction could be; “yeah…bring it on!”

Well, for the people in the second category, I have a few words. It isn’t part of God’s design for the act/art of sex. Sex was invented as a sacred fulfilling union between a ‘MARRIED’ couple. One not to be defamed and devalued as a show to be viewed by others. Definitely not as a job description- which is the case with the porn artist. Sex is and should be a ‘private’ discovery in love and respect.

Embrace the fulfilling reality of God’s purpose and plan for sex. Ask God to help you break the habit/addiction and live free!

Now, to those who had the first response, hear this…

  • Have you ever listened to a song with suggestive sexual innuendo?
  • Have you ever read any of those romance novels white explicit explanations, by explanations I mean a well-detailed explanation of sexual acts?
  • Have you ever seen a movie with sexual scenes…?

Well, if your answer was yes to any of the above, then you are just as good as the next person who had the second reaction as above.

“Pornography (often abbreviated as “porn” or “porno” in informal usage) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal. Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculptures, drawings, paintings, animations, sound recordings, films, videos, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. The primary subjects of pornographic depictions are pornographic models, who pose for still photographs, and pornographic actors or porn stars, who perform in pornographic films. If dramatic skills are not involved, a performer in a porn film may also be called a model”

(Wikipedia’s definition of pornography)


After watching the movie, 50 Shades of Grey, which came highly recommended, and novice that I am, I didn’t know it was not a healthy diet for my soul and Spirit. I felt bad afterward, asked God for forgiveness and had to play Kari Jobe’s “Oh, the Blood” more than once (smiles) just in order to cleanse my Spirit. And I sat there, telling my friend “we have just been tricked into seeing a pornographic movie. It was wrapped up in a story- which doesn’t make any sense anyway- and we fell for it”. It made the reality of the real definition of pornography dawn on me.

So pornography for me right now isn’t just blue movies like we know it to be, its something that is being infused in our books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculptures…It’s something that is right in our face. Tides have changed in fact once you have a phone you are more likely to come in contact with pornography.

You see, when the Bible tells us Christians to guard our heart, that’s just what we need to do, with ALL Diligence! Because the world is aiming at us, using every possible and conceivable means!

So if it means NO to most movies, so be it.

See Also

If it means NO to most songs, so be it.

If it means NO to most books, so be it.

If it means NO to being a fan of some stars, so be it.

There is way much at stake here!


Besides the real and obvious danger of going against God’s intended plans, here are some detriments of being addicted to pornography:

  1. Redundancy – A life of an addict will lack the creativity to push ahead in life because the mind has been filled with junks that will occupy space that should otherwise have been used productively.
  2. Marital dissatisfaction – This is one of the causes of turbulent seas in good marriages. Dissatisfaction is as a result of either or both spouses being engaged in a sexual activity with someone other than their spouse (either before or after their marital joining), so they have something or someone to compare their spouse’s performance with. On the flip side, if physical sexual indiscretion is not a cause, then mental sexual indiscretion is the culprit. And this comes about by their exposure to movies, songs, books etc with pornographic contents. This builds an ‘expectation’, an ‘ideal’, which isn’t real which causes dissatisfaction with their spouse.

There are much more subtle dangers involved in pornography. Staying clear is the solution. And in this world, much Grace is needed to avoid it. May the Grace of GOD be with us now and forever. Amen.

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