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How I almost switched Religion

How I almost switched Religion


Are you going back to read the title? 🙂 Well, I also find it very hard to believe when I hear that a Christian got converted to another religion. What I actually find easy to believe is another religion asides Christianity converting to Christianity because however, we see it the Christian religion is built on LOVE and love is a winning force (I don’t think anyone who has genuinely tasted this true love ever turns back). We all know that the reason Christ came to die is simply due to the love of the Father for us.

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16 KJV)”

Sixteen years ago, we used to be in this compound where I had one of the loveliest neighbors. I used to go over to their house and we would play for a while and then a teacher comes in and I had to leave. Guess what their teacher came to teach them. I’ll tell you- Arabic. Alif, Ba, Ta, Sa and well guess who started learning and wanting to stay in that lesson? Me!

Well, it gets more interesting. When we were playing around and it was exactly 2 pm or time for prayers Irrespective of what they were doing they left it immediately. Now bear in mind that their parents weren’t usually at home so it wasn’t for the fear of mummy or daddy – It was second nature to them. 

This one was a little funny for me. We always had dogs in my house, somewhat of sentimental attachments but these my friends never came close and with my pretty inquisitive mind I asked why? I discovered it had something to do with Ablution and prayers (*Keeping themselves holy).

Things and many other things I saw made me want to know more. Why did these people behave the way they were? I was intrigued.

What made me interested in their religion?

  1. Dedication – Like I said they never missed their prayers and I mean never at least not while I was there or while I watched them.
  2. Examples – Remember being in the classroom and the mathematics teacher gave you an example so you could have a proper understanding of the subject. These people were living examples of their religion. They also were quick enough to explain the reason for their stand.
  3. Holiness – They kept themselves jealously for worship. They wanted to ensure that when they were in the place of prayer they were not found wanting.
  4. Discipline – I got to understand the concept of training a child in the way that they should go and when they grow they would depart from it.

Let me also highlight what I took with me:

  1. Association – If I wanted to be a growing Christian I must associate with those with whom I can grow with. Association matters a lot.
  2. Training – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)…This may be for parents but I have also learned to train myself. I am so training my children. I remember how we were told that when we had a bad dream we should call Jesus – It sunk into my subconscious mind so much that when I slept and had a bad dream it was second nature to shout Jesus. Many at times I catch myself and near close accident situation saying, Jesus.

The true understanding of our place as Christians is that we have been called to be “Examples” “Ambassadors” here on earth. A very popular saying by Mahatma Gandhi  “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”  This statement forever puts my thinking cap on. Was I so intrigued by their religion? Not really! I was intrigued by them as a people and how they lived their lives by such convictions. Hopefully, by now you have gotten what I am really trying to say.  

 Your belief determines your action. How has this life you have come to believe shown forth to those around you that they are genuinely intrigued by you and want to come to the knowledge of God in you? I am not saying form o! You are simply giving what you have which is the Love of God in your heart that has been shared abroad (Rom 5:5). When you soak a foam inside water and apply pressure what comes out is water -You can’t give what you don’t have. Do you even believe strongly in what you believe in? Can your beliefs be shaken? Then you have no say in trying to change the beliefs of others.

Here is what I believe:

I believe that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6)

I also believe that Christianity is not a religion it is a way of life. It is a lifestyle!

I hope this has ignited a fire in your heart as it did mine?

See Also


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