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How To Bring Non Christian Friends And Family Into The Fold

How To Bring Non Christian Friends And Family Into The Fold

Being a Christian does not necessarily mean that your friends and family are. Notwithstanding, it highlights your duty of ensuring that they become part of the lot. Given that “bringing men unto salvation”, is the primary assignment of the Christian. As believers, it is necessary that we prioritize God’s initial purpose for our lives. Which, simply put, is to bring all men to repentance. This happens when we attest to the love and grace of God, to those who are yet to come to the knowledge of Him. 

This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.

1st Timothy 2:3-5

However, witnessing to non-Christian friends or family can be a rather tricky and challenging one. Since spirituality is a personal and sensitive subject, and it is important to put no pressure and ensure that accepting Jesus is intentional, and not under duress. Hence, it is imperative to seek God’s leading, wisdom, and guidance in presenting your faith to your non-Christian friends or family or in seeking for their engraftment into the Jesus army.

So, if you are for Christ and you wish to bring your non-Christian family and friends into the fold. Here are some practical ways in which you can achieve that:

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  1. Pray: For success in any endeavor, God is involved in the process. This shows that we are aware of our shortcomings and acknowledge that without Him, the job is as good as failed. Prayer is an instrument for bringing unbelievers into the family. This kind of prayer involves asking God to create opportunities for His word to flow in everyday interaction, hoping that they will be receptive to it, and as a result, an inward transformation occurs.
  2. Show love: As cliche and biblical as it sounds, love conquers all things. Even non-Christians! Therefore, when relating with non-Christian, show love as much as possible. It is a known way to soften even the hardest of hearts. This can be in the form of financial and emotional support, lending a listening ear, asking questions, and being helpful. By this, they desire to know more about who is behind the love that they are beneficiaries of.
  3. Lead by example: A good teacher leads by example. You cannot be preaching about the love of Christ and not portray what it means. It is vital to bear fruits of love, joy, peace, hope, and righteousness, if you hope to win them to your side. This is because it is a guaranteed way for your kin to see the transformation God has wrought in you. As such, making them curious and desiring to experience things for themselves. 
  4. Submit to the Holy Spirit: In the area of witnessing, a counterproductive behavior is failing to acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Because leaning on your own understanding to carry out the task leads to frustration, anxiety, and worry. Hence, surrendering yourself and seeing yourself as a vessel used by the Holy Spirit is key in achieving results as it pertains to your yet-to-be-saved family and friends.

Last and most importantly, patience is a required virtue. As it might take weeks, months, or even years. Nevertheless, just stick to these principles and in no time, a change will happen.

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