How To Revive Your Prayer Life

Deborah Queen is a firm believer that women can have…
Is your prayer life diminishing? Or is it non-existent? I promise you are not alone! Many of us have become accustomed to just praying before meals or whispering a quick prayer before bed. However, God deserves a lot more than a few seconds of rushed words done out of habit. Imagine you have a friend who only gives you a rushed routine like interaction. I am sure you would question the authenticity of that relationship.
In the same way, you may feel convicted about your lack of daily prayer life. The truth is that prayer is the most intimate and powerful connection with God. He loves prayer and he loves when we spend time with him.
Try These Tips to Revive Your Prayer Life:
Write Down Prayer Points: If you feel like you do not know where to start, it may be helpful to write down prayer points. I like to think about it as talking points about things you would want to talk to God about. After all, prayer is talking to God.
Schedule Time To Pray: I am pro scheduling. I love being organized because it gives me a sense of stability. I find that when I schedule my task, I am more likely to do it compared to when I do not schedule it. Building new habits requires consistency and scheduling your prayer time will help you to be intentional and consistent.
Allow Yourself To Break Free And Pray At Odd Times: Though scheduling is great, it is important to also make room for spontaneous time with our Lord. You might feel the urge to randomly burst out in worship and prayer at times. Do not fight this urge because sometimes, the spirit knows that the presence of God can show up at any time.
Join a Prayer Group: There is power in numbers! I like to call my friends up to pray when I feel like I need to be surrounded by other believers. If you do not have a lot of friends you can pray with, I urge you to join your local church’s prayer group.
Kneel: The act of kneeling represents surrender and reverence. When you kneel, it transports you to another place of total surrender. This helps you focus your heart and mind to be in the presence of God.
Go To a Quiet Place: If your surrounding is loud, it may be quite difficult to focus on your prayer. I typically prefer to pray early in the morning before everyone has woken up because it is the quietest time of my day. Also, my car is another favorite.
Turn Off Your Devices: Today, most of us are clued to our electronic devices. If you are prone to grab your phone, then a suggesting will be to turn it off and leave in another room while you pray to avoid distractions.
If you adhere to these tips, you will find that your prayer life will improve. Communicating with God should be a priority. I always feel refreshed when I spend time with God.
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Deborah Queen is a firm believer that women can have it ALL. She is the visionary, executer and founder of The Redefining BEAUTY Movement. She strongly believes that the best things in life are free.