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How To Start A Small Group

How To Start A Small Group

Nothing is more uplifting and warming to the soul than a gathering where individuals feel noticed, recognized, and useful. In this kind, people grow quickly by sharing experiences and strengthening one another’s faith in small discussions as these promote personal growth among church members. 

Additionally, open-ended discussions are easier to have in smaller groups. In a small group, it is simpler to break down and thoroughly explain topics that seem unclear. In this kind of meeting, questions are raised, answers given, and love is fostered among its members. 

How then can one start a small group? 

  1. Identify the purpose of the small group: It is important for you to understand the purpose of the small group you want to start. Why are you creating it? Is it for fellowship, for interpersonal relationships, a support group, or is it an evangelistic group? Whatever the case may be, make sure it is well defined and stipulated. That way, the purpose is not abused. Even the bible says in Habakkuk 2:2:

Then the LORD answered me and said: Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. 

Habakkuk 2:2 NKJV
  1. Choose the focus of the small group: After you have identified the purpose of your small group, it is pertinent to identify the focus of the group. This should also be in line with the purpose of the group. For instance, If you want to start a fellowship group, your focus should be on building faith and fostering love and togetherness amongst members of the group. Meanwhile, an evangelistic group is encouraging members to win souls for Christ. Whatever it is, maintain the niche you have created for the small group you have in mind. 

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he that keeps the law. 

Proverbs 29:18 NKJV
  1. Have a strategy for invitation: The purpose and focus of the small group can be a guide to the people you invite to the small group and how you invite them. Map out a good strategy to spread the importance of the small group. Why people should be part of it, and how they can be part of it. Try as much as possible to spread the good news about your group. Also, encourage people to be part of it. 
  2. Create a sense of togetherness in the group: The main essence of creating a small group is to create a sense of togetherness and warmth even when one is part of a larger church. The small group should help foster love, peace, joy, and strength. It should also help members feel safe, useful, seen, appreciated, and of active service to the Lord. 

So, if you are looking to start a small group, incorporate these guidelines. Then, sit back and watch. You will notice that your group nurtures faith in a community where members feel safe and loved.

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