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Kanye West’s Newfound Faith: How Should Christians React?

Kanye West’s Newfound Faith: How Should Christians React?

I have closely watched the transformation of Kanye West – from his Sunday Service to declaring his newfound faith in Christ. His recent declaration has sparked a weighty debate within the church, one that I feel should be addressed or at least spark a conversation within the church because we are all thinking about it or we have our opinions about it or we may have come across others opinion about it. So, we may as well address the elephant in the room.

In regards to the ongoing conversation, there seem to be three types of reactions to Kanye’s new declarations. There are those who: (a) do not know how to react; (b) those who have scripture-based reasons for being skeptical; and, (c) are accepting of Kanye’s decision.

I will address the reactions of the first and second groups. However, whatever category you fall into, it does not lessen Christ’s love for you or make you a lesser Christian. Neither does my viewpoint make me a more superior Christian. This is just a call to a heart-check.

Reactions of First and Second Group

Many people in the first group do not know how to respond to Kanye’s acceptance of Christ simply because they are unsure of the genuineness of his newfound faith which is the basis of the arguments posed by the first group.

In situations such as this, it is preferred that you do not take a stance especially when you are uncertain. However, I’d like to draw your reaction briefly to the parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18:12–14) and the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). In both instances, there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repents.

As heavenly ambassadors, I believe this should also be our stance when we hear of conversions such as Kanye’s. Our rejoicing should not be based off Kanye’s celebrity status but on the fact, that a soul has been won to God’s kingdom. Now, the issue of the authenticity of his conversion which may be the reason for a neutral stance will be addressed in the reactions of the second group.

The second group’s concerns can be imbedded in scriptures but often times it is out to undermine the genuineness of a believer. The difference between the first and second groups is that the former is skeptical about reacting due to the genuineness of a believer while the latter makes comments that undermine the genuineness of the conversion.

Addressing the somewhat valid concerns of both groups:

1. Concerns about Kanye apologizing/denounce his music etc publicly.

A Christian is one who confesses Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Kanye has accepted the Lordship of Jesus publicly. Genuinely accepting Christ clearly means denouncing your old way. Simply put – you are born again. The old you is gone. As such, therefore, there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

Truth be told – he cannot satisfy everyone – and he isn’t meant to. His responsibility is to God. Demand for public apology or renouncement seems to be more fleshly based. The second group constantly reminds a new believer of their past. This group says, ‘But he/she was caught in adultery’. To which, Jesus would reply to them, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’ and to the sinner, Jesus would say, ‘go and sin nomore’.

What more denouncing do we seek that supersedes proclaiming Christ as King?

2. Concerns about the legitimacy of his newfound faith – fruity Christian.

The second group says they do not have fruits of a Christian – weren’t they the prodigal sons who just returned. Let’s watch and see. While as Christians, we truly must bear fruits, fruits are born from staying grafted and our progressive walk with God.

Also, please make sure that the fruits we speak of aren’t our standards but rather that of Galatians 5:22-23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law…

In Romans 11: 17-31, Paul implores us not to be arrogant towards branches that have been broken off but rather we should be reminded of God’s kindness towards us and that branches which have been cut off will be grafted back if they do not continue in unbelief.

3. Concerns about Kanye overseeing a church – 1 Tim 3:6

Valid concerns. However, 1 Tim 3:6 doesn’t invalidate Kanye’s Christianity. It only calls for caution in regard to him overseeing a church. Dr. Ralph suggests three considerations in regards to 1 Tim 3:6:

  • Guidelines but not laws: Paul isn’t creating a new legalism – he is giving selection guidelines. We err if we treat them as such.
  • We ignore wisdom at the peril of the church – just because they aren’t laws doesn’t mean they should be ignored when convenient.
  • Grace is needed – No elder or deacon lives without fault during his or her whole life…

According to Dr. Ralph, it is better for an Elder/Overseer to “not be a recent convert” and be left to mature emotionally and spiritually.

However, with or without a title, Kanye can be used by God. Our duty is to pray for him. We do not determine whether or not he can or cannot be used or in what way he should be used by God.

4. Instructions about testing all Spirit

This scripture has a context (we often take this scripture out of context – the full text is 1 John 4:1-6). How do we test all spirits? The scripture says, “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God.

If you belong to the first group, you may say how do you know the genuineness of someone confessing that Jesus came in the flesh of God. According to John Piper, the HolySpirit bears witness to the genuineness of a believer’s confession of Christ as God in flesh by:

  • Producing the fruit of love/fruit of the Spirit.
  • Producing a genuine confession to doctrinal truth about Jesus Christ.

The first stance of a Christian is to welcome the prodigal son. Throw a celebration as Christ would. Then pray that he/she abides and bears fruit.


At some point in our lives, we have all been a ‘Kanye’. Who is a ‘Kanye’? A Kanye is proof of God’s redemptive love for us. Proof of who God came for and to save. For, while we were yet sinners, Christ loved us and died for us (Romans 5:8). 

The bible is filled with stories of Kanye’s; the prostitute by the well, the prodigal son, Nicodemus, the thief on the cross, Paul, among many others. Although we all have varying pasts, what is common to us is that we were sinners who needed a savior.

While it is our duty to exercise caution – we must also show love to Christians and non-Christians alike. Remembering that we were once sinners before we were forgiven. By now, you may have discovered that while I celebrate Kanye’s newfound faith, this is not about him alone but about everyone that thinks Christ didn’t die for ‘celebrities’ or people who defer from us. He came to save everyone. Everyone is worthy of being saved if they so choose to. In the words of Jesus, “Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you”.

Finally, in matters such as this, we must not be quick to place Kanye on a pedestal because of his celebrity status (Kanye’s conversion should not be a validation of our faith) neither should we be quick to negate because of doubts that we may have. How would you have felt if people were skeptical or pessimistic about your conversion?

Our reactions at a time like this shouldn’t be on who got saved but that a soul got saved. It shouldn’t be an antagonistic one either despite negative experiences with celebrity conversions. Let love and the Holy Spirit inform your reaction.

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