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Learning To Let Go And Trust God

Learning To Let Go And Trust God

Relinquishing control can be a scary thing, especially if you are a control freak. It takes power out of your hands. Frightening right? But it is in our submission and willingness to let go that God’s power is manifested. Daily, we must make a conscious decision to let go of everything that is beyond our control and surrender it all to Him. By this, we give God a smooth surface on which He can perform His mighty work in our lives.

When we “let go and trust God,” we are surrendering our wants, emotions, needs, questions, hurts, and desires to God and trusting Him to lead us. Negative emotions like anxiety, pride, fear, and doubt lose their stronghold as we trust Him to see us through every situation. 

What does it mean to let go and trust God?

Letting go and allowing God means that we are relinquishing control. We are telling God to take charge our lives. In order for God to wrought His wonderful works in our lives, we are letting go of the “steering wheel”.

We trust His process and know that He will work things out for our good, regardless of what the present circumstance might look like.

It is no surprise Jesus told his disciples to allow God’s will to be done in their lives. 

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10 KJV

When we meditate on these words, we are yielding to His will and Divine plan for our lives.

That does not mean that we do not plan or want to achieve our human goals. After making those plans, we put our trust in His love and care, and believe He knows best. 

How then do we let go and trust God?

  1. Wait: We must wait on God when we are trying to figure out how to submit to God and let go of our plans. What waiting is not, is saying a quick prayer, getting direction, and moving. It requires patience, perseverance, and wisdom to seek God and surrender to His plans. Meditate, pray, worship, and continue to obey His voice while you are learning to let go and let God. 
  2. Fast: Fasting goes hand in hand with prayer. Here, we surrender our flesh to God and let Him direct our path.
  3. Seek Godly counsel: One of the things to do when letting go and trusting God is to search for godly Christian who we can trust and get wise counsel from. People can teach us and offer insights. They can also stand in the gap for you, as you seek God’s will for your life and your plans.
  4. Seek God’s will: Our plans will always be secondary to God’s plans. When attempting to give up trying to make it happen on our own and let God direct your steps, acknowledging Him and seeking to discover His will is key. Spending time with your Bible is the best approach to discover God’s will. The Bible is the ideal tool for spending time with God because it is the living word of God. This way, you are open to the revelations of His word. Which in turn, will help in determining your alignment with God’s Divine plan.
  5. Surrender to God through prayer: Being in constant communication with God is crucial when we want to commit to Him. Why is prayer so necessary? Because it is the first step in learning how to give yourself over to God and let go. 

Giving up and letting go is never an easy option. Our natural inclination is to be in control of every facet of our lives. And sometimes, we tend to string God along, presuming it to be His. However, when God is not truly in charge, it will only lead to frustration, despair, and sadness. Give up trying to make things happen, and let God be at the helm of affairs.

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