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Learning to Trust God

Learning to Trust God

Learning to trust God is like playing a “Trust Fall” game. A Trust Fall game is a game where you are expected to fall back relying on a spotter to catch you.

Think of all the emotions that come along with playing the game. However, you would be relying on “God” to catch you. I mean, God as your SPOTTER!! It sounds like a no brainer, yet we struggle in trusting that God will catch us.

Trusting God is particularly harder for people who like to have everything figured out. Over the last couple of months, I believe the Lord has been teaching me to trust him with every area of my life irrespective of the uncertainty that may come along with the journey of trust.

God wants to bring us to a place of trust where we can say like Job, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.” (Job 13:15 KJV).

What does it mean to trust God?

Trust is defined as “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Therefore, trusting God means relying on his truth, ability, and strength.

what does the bible have to say about trust?

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)

We should trust God when; we are faced with difficult times, at a time of loss (whether it is a job or a loved one), at crossroads, and in every area of our lives.

Trusting God means letting go of your desired outcome. As easy as this may sound when we are faced with tough times we suddenly find trusting God difficult. But that is not what God wants for us.

Here are 3 biblical principles for trusting God.

Know that he is Good

God is good! “For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.” (Psalms 100:5 KJV) It doesn’t just stop there, his thoughts towards you are good (Jeremiah 29:11). I would trust a person who I know is good and has my best interest at heart. If you do not know for a fact that God is Good, get to know from scriptures. Time after time he has shown up in the lives of others who trust him. He is trust personified.

Understand that since his thoughts towards us are good, when the outcome isn’t as expected, he still has our best interest at heart. Our parents do not always give us all that we want, but usually, we know they love us.

Remember the Victories

Has he come through for you previously during difficult times? If he did it before, he will do it again. Many times when we get anxious about the outcome it is because we don’t remember past victories.

In trying periods, it is hard to remain thankful. However, one of the ways we can stay thankful is by remembering our past victories. Also, if he has come through for others who were in a similar situation, he is able to do it again if it is in his will.

Build a Relationship

You cannot trust who you don’t know or have no relationship with. Remedy this by studying scriptures to see his promises regarding you and to get to know him. Talk to him about every area of your life.

Prayerfully ask for the fruit of patience. Ask him about those tiny details of your life.


Ultimately, Proverbs 3:5-6 provides a little insight into how we can show that we trust God; “lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Often times we make choices based on how good it looks rather than leaning on him and acknowledging him to lead and direct us. Eve ate the fruit because she thought it looked good and pleasing.

Leaning on our own understanding seems limited and controlled by happenings around us. There is a way that seemeth right, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prob 14:12 KJV). So, trust him to guide you in navigating through life.

Trusting God is like building a muscle. You need to learn to trust him in little things…And proceed to trust him in even bigger areas of your life.

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