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Once upon a king

Once upon a king

He was diagnosed with a terminal sickness. With few days left to live. He was devastated. Not ready or willing to die. And by some miraculous discovery, he was healed. Yes. Healed! He had about 15years to live.

The sickness had done damage to his body and made it impossible for him to last longer than that. His happiness was dampened but he soon shook off the sad feeling. His joy was so great for the new lease he had in life.

While celebrating, he threw caution to the wind. And had an affair! Which resulted in an offspring. Before long, a vision was told to him. The offspring from the affair would in two decades time bring pain to the kingdom. Even destroy his children and the people. So much so that recovery of the kingdom will be a long time coming after that.

The King was unhappy, but then he thought within himself, ‘I would have been long gone by then? So why worry. The time I have left will be a peaceful time’.

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You must be shocked by the outcome of the story above. After all that had been given to the King, he was self-centered and wasn’t bothered about the future. This is the story of King Hezekiah in the Bible (Isaiah 38&39). The Truth, however, is that a lot of us are like this King. So much has been given to us by Mercy and Grace. But despite that, we give no care as to what happens to us, telling ourselves that we will be long gone before much bad occurs.

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  • Think of the backwardness that is imminent to occur in your immediate world and the world at large because of that little child you refused education…
  • Think of the ‘un-green’ Earth you are encouraging and leaving behind by the indiscriminate disposal and burning of wastes…
  • Think of all your actions, the consequences, and how they will affect and influence your generation when you are long gone…
  • Think, and make amends.

To whom much is given, much is expected. WE have been given MUCH!!!

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  • Wow!!! Nice one ma!
    It’s more like when I pay 1000 subscription for one month at a value of 1gb on my phone…. I tend to be conscious of the things I download from 1st week to the third week but at the last week of my subscription, I deploy every means to exhaust my value before expiration date, I just got a message from my network provider saying ‘your expiration date has been extended’ but,…. Nothing finishes in life what matters is what we make/made out of it!

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