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Easy approach to getting rid of pimples

Easy approach to getting rid of pimples

Mary wakes up in the morning and the first thing she does is to rush to the mirror and touch her face. As soon as she gets there, a frown develops on her face) haa!! Will you guys go away? (Her friend Ruth walks in).

Ruth: Mary, hope you are going out with us today? (Mary turns and frowns even more when she saw how smooth Ruth’s face was)

Mary: NO!!!Just like Mary, you may be going through the same situation; not to worry, help is on the way.

Just like Mary, you may be going through the same situation; not to worry, help is on the way.


A pimple is also known as acne is a disease or malfunction of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects teenagers and young adults. It is usual for women to develop pimples in their twenties (sometimes before puberty) and it often clears off or stops after childbirth.
There are some approaches we may take when these annoying pimples appear on our faces, which may end up having a multiplying effect, these approaches include:

  • Touching the face.
  • Pinch on the pimples – this is very dangerous as some pimples may be on or close to one of the blood vessels on the face which may lead to severe bleeding.
  • Applying methylated spirit.

The right approach to getting rid of a pimple is to discover the cause. Knowing the cause will help you take appropriate steps. The following steps are taken to help prevent, aggravate and eliminate pimples:

  • Wash face with soap after the days’ work.
  • Clean face with a separate towel.
  • When bathing, wash face and neck before any other body part or have a separate sponge for the face.
  • Use fruits like lemon, pawpaw peels, avocado pear to scrub face, leave for 30mins to 1hour before steaming with hot water steam, after scrubbing with fruits before bathing.
  • Read the expiring date of cosmetics before buying them.
  • Avoid oily foods.
  • Rest and sleep after a tired day.
  • Eat a balanced diet to build up immunity.
  • Wipe makeup from the face with cleanser or face wipes before sleeping.
  • The cleanser should have avocado, papaya or lemon as an ingredient.
  • Use anti-fungal or antibacterial creams.
  • Be happy always, give that bright smile it helps the skin and face, it also keeps you younger

Cheers to a pimples free face!

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