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The wedding bells are ringing every day

The bride walks in with a sway

Away from her father does she go

Down to the waiting arms of the one who waits!

Today’s post is really a short one. I had this talk with a few friends about the myth behind wedding dresses. A friend categorically said he doesn’t mind if his wife wears a different colour as a matter of fact. When I want to abide by any law I try to understand the reason why.

I did my research and I came up with the finding that white wedding gowns were “a connotation of innocence and sexual purity” by Wikipedia.

The purity being referred to here I am sure wasn’t your standing with God but your Chasity (Virginity). Why do I think so? I can’t determine your purity by the way you look or by the way you dress or by your (virginity), but that’s the way it is done as regards to the white dress. It goes down to say that men judge by the outward appearance and God judges by the heart! How then can you determine if I am pure and decide what gown I should be wearing…Well, we should all go to God when it’s about that time, ask him and decide which colour he deems fit…How about that?

Well, it is just my thought. Not that we follow that pattern anymore. I think just about anyone can wear the white gown as it is right now. I also think it becomes odd when you chose another colour. I would like to share my thoughts on this too as I have seen plenty cool articles on this topic lately but I also will like to get your view too.

So, do you think purity is something of colour or the heart? What is “purity” to you?

I am thinking and so are you. Help me answer these questions.

Kindly leave a comment 

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  • This is an interesting subject.. i agree that truly purity is of the heart and not the dress. people really have mixed purity and virginity up. .. However, in a world where sex is practiced as a life style and not a sacred act, what do they do about the white gown cause they are most definitely going Pure Shiny Whiter then Snow Gown shopping?
    really enlightening!

    • Calls for thought! I very much agree with you. We are trying so much to keep virginity at the expense of purity and like you said it is lack of understanding. Very True. The two go hand in hand.

  • First of all we know every colour has its own signifcance. White-purity, blue-love, purple-royalty and so will I be wrong if I say that has been abused now? No! If purity were to be based on colours, then a lot of people will be deceived. Bt I feel that is the whole essence of our sisters putting on white wedding gown(bt what of d men,that’s a topic on its own), which would have made a whole lot of sense. Bt it has been abused. So purity is and should be of the heart. Anyone can choose any bright colour for a wedding gown bt it should not be depicted as what d colour actually stands for.

    • I agree with you that colours have their implications. Your comment brings a different light to the topic. Thank you for your comment.

  • The white gown used in weddings indeed is a symbol of purity and innocence. More importantly it expresses the dignity and sacredness of the marriage act.

  • Purity is without a doubt something that is internal. However, it is a character and a lifestyle so it cannot exist without producing external fruits. I do not think the purity is the gown itself but rather the gown is an outward expression of an inward truth. As much as marriage is a commitment made before God, it is a commitment made TO God AND a physical person. God does indeed look at the heart but man does not have this ability. We as human beings can only observe a persons exterior and hope it is an acurate representation of who they are: their heart. Taking this into consideration, external representations and expressions of who we are mean a lot to us: Art, Music, Dance.
    The white wedding gown is a symbol of the purity the bride has kept before God but also for her groom. It can be a source of pride and a tolken of accountability up until she walks the altar. When I initially read that the white represents sexual purity I was slightly saddened because it would be very misleading if one was to look at it in the same way today. The number of people who are still virgins when they are married is significantly less than those who put on a white dress. If the symbol of the ‘white’ dress was taken more seriously then it would serve as that tolken of accountability. But then we could always say that the men have no such tolken. Although this would point out a double standard that has stood since Biblical times, I would still argue for the merits of being held sexually accountable.
    I appreciate the white dress and what it represents because some day I hope for a wife who could happily wear one and know that it symbolizes a true part of who she is. I would not say that abstinence defines purity, but I believe it is a crutial part of it. It is something God has required of us so that we may enjoy his gifts of marriage and sex the way he designed them to be. So an outward expression for my God, my spouce and the world to see wouldn’t be such a bad thing to me. If men had one too I would be proud to wear it.

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