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She tried to move away as far as possible but her feet were still rooted to the floor as if there was a kind of magic going on, and slowly he made his way towards her.

“Madam, did you miss your way?”

She responded by shaking her head vigorously

“So what is a young lady like you doing here! when your mates are busy securing husbands for themselves?”

Anger swelled up inside her, who does he think he is asking me all these questions, she turned to walk away in anger and she suddenly felt a cold hand grab her “Weren’t you taught manners lady?”

Now she had had it!

She rose up her hands in a bid to slap him and he didn’t stop her strike and he immediately turned the other cheek, she stepped back in shame and quickly ran away to the open doors of her home.

Phew! She couldn’t help but think about what had gotten into her, but there was something about him, there was an aura about him. She couldn’t get him off her mind at this moment, then slowly she drifted off to sleep, with the thoughts that they would probably never see again.

“Ruth, Ruth, Ruth”

She heard her mother’s loud voice ringing in her dream, waking her up suddenly from the dream she was having of the guy she had met in the wood. Arrrrrh “Can’t I just have a complete dream in this house she thought to herself”

“Ruth, we didn’t see you at the customary dance last night, I hope when it’s time to get a husband you won’t be left with no one? You have ended up chasing prospective candidates with this attitude of yours and your quest to find a God that doesn’t exist”

“Mama, I won’t sit and dance all day in front of those idle boys”

“Since you won’t do what normal ladies of your age would do, go get me firewood and you know the type I am talking about and you better don’t spend all your time in the wood, like you did the last time”

She took her axe and off she went to the woods. On sighting good wood, she ran there to start off immediately and she heard that same voice she had dreamt of all night.

“I got here first and so that’s my piece of wood”

‘I never knew they wrote names on tree”

“Hey lady, watch the way you speak to me”

Arrhh she screamed out loud “What’s with guys of this age” and she turned away to find another piece of wood to take home to her mother. After gathering her wood together she heard the same voice again, this time around it had a softer tone to it.

“Can I help you carry your wood, Madam?”

From that day henceforth they continued meeting at the wood and he taught her about the God she was dying to know so much about and how his people had served God for years and how God delivered them from Pharaoh and performed great miracles and took them to the land he had promised them.

She was always excited on the days she was sent to get wood for the cooking and as usual, she ran into the woods to tell him of how her day had been going and on getting there this particular day, she met a sad face.

“Why are you troubled friend?”

“Ruth, I just lost my dad” he said with tears streaming down his face.

She didn’t know what to do or say.

“Remember God Loves you” was all she could say to him.

She wondered to herself about how much of God she had gotten to know, this God that would give and take as He likes.

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