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Screen Time’s Influence on Health: Tips For Balanced Usage.

Screen Time’s Influence on Health: Tips For Balanced Usage.

I always look forward to my phone’s screen time report every Monday. Because, in today’s digital age where screens have become an integral part of our daily lives, it might be that I am spending more time than is necessary on my devices. Hence, these screen time reports help me curb unnecessary use of my devices. Inasmuch as digital gadgets such as smartphones, laptops and televisions are essential for the convenience and connectivity they provide, excessive screen time can have adverse effects on both our mental and physical health. 

Hence, it will be in our best interest to educate ourselves on the significant impact of screen time on our well-being and search for valuable tips for maintaining a healthy balance.

For a clearer understanding, below are the effects of prolonged exposure to digital screens on your mental and physical health:

  1. Digital fatigue and eye strain: Excessive usage of smartphones or other digital devices can lead to fatigue and eye strain. Research shows that the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our circadian rhythm. Consequently, leading to sleep disturbances and affecting concentration during the day.
  1. Increased anxiety and stress: Nothing increases anxiety and stress like unfiltered consumption of negative news or social media comparisons. Psychologists strongly advise against it, as the constant influx of information and social pressures takes a toll on our mental well-being.
  1. Sedentary lifestyle: Spending long hours in front of a screen often leads to a sedentary lifestyle. This can be disastrous to one’s physical health. Also, lack of exercise is linked to an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions.
  1. Vision problems: Generally, digital devices are not ideal for the eyes. Prolonged screen exposure causes eye problems such as eye strain, dry eyes, and even long-term vision problems. Therefore, if digital screens are a must, endeavor to take regular breaks and follow the 20-20-20 rule.

As a matter of fact, many of us fall into the category of excessive screen time users. However, we can do better. It just involves cultivating healthy screen usage habits that will allow maintain a healthy balance. Reducing its effects on our physical and  mental health.

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Tips for healthy screen usage include:

  1. Set screen time limits: Setting daily limits for screen usage is effective in reducing unnecessary screen time. Screen usage features on smartphones or apps help track and manage screen time effectively too.
  1. Prioritize outdoor activities: An easy way to wriggle out of the sedentary nature of screen time is by encouraging outdoor activities. Regular physical activity also has numerous physical and mental health benefits.
  1. Practice mindful screen consumption: Mindful screen consumption is a necessary practice for maintaining a healthy balance. Here, you are mindful of the content you consume and how it makes you feel. Secondly, you take active steps to limit exposure to distressing news or negative social media content.
  1. Use night mode and blue light filters: Night mode or blue light filters on devices minimize disruption to your sleep-wake cycle and enable you keep track of time.


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