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Seven Success Hacks From The Achievement Habit By Bernard Roth

Seven Success Hacks From The Achievement Habit By Bernard Roth

A book that always comes to mind anytime success discussions come up is – The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth. This book offers insight, as to what success truly means and practical steps on how to achieve it. Hence, this is the go–to book for uncovering gems that will help you achieve the success you desire.

Well, the best part about today is that I have decided to make things easier for everyone. So, if you have not read the book, I have a list of life-changing success hacks I garnered from the book pointed out here.

They are:

  1. Power is better than force.

If you want things done, it is better to be powerful than forceful about it. Power is the ability to influence people in such a way that they want to volunteer to take an action whereas, force is the unhealthy act of pushing people around to get want you want. The ripple effect is this; influential power results in trust and a willingness to conform. But force breeds resentment and a hostile environment (not surprised because nobody likes to be pushed around). You might want to review your approach to getting things done with the help of others. See if you have been powerful or forceful and strive to effect a positive change.

  1. Nothing is as you think! You give meaning to everything.

Have you ever heard the saying “thoughts are things?” It means that your thoughts have the power to manifest your reality. That is awesome, isn’t it? It takes the power away from the situation and drops it right on your laps. Nothing is exactly as you think. You give meaning to everything.  For instance, you might think that you failed at a particular task, but it could mean that you know an approach that does not work. It is an experience that could come in handy on your next try. That is a small step toward victory, right?

  1. Rebellion can change behavior.

Success is a product of good habits and behaviors. How you behave determines who you will be and what you will have (pun intended). Forming good habits and breaking bad ones can be difficult, but one of the keys to changing old behavioral patterns, is to relabel or redefine the change process. That means you must stop viewing change as based on outcomes only. Realize that is an inside job, working its way out. Focus on building a stronger self-image by accomplishing little tasks daily. For example, if you begin to view yourself as a reader, you’re more likely to read 40 books in a year than if you are just trying to read 40 books in a year. The inference is that people are more concerned with reinforcing their self-image than with their actions, thus, to change behavior, you must first change self-image.

  1. Buridan’s Ass paradox.

The Buridan’s Ass paradox (named after a French philosopher) is about a donkey which dies because it cannot make a rational choice between two appealing alternatives (i.e., to eat hay or drink water). Successful people make tough decisions, and quickly too. To achieve anything in life, you must be able to critically predict the outcome of an action and decide based on that. Remember, it is always better to make a wrong choice than to make no choice at all, because not making a choice is a wrong choice. Be wise!

  1. Success is about modifying the way you respond to negative experiences. 

Why do we see negative experiences as problems? The word “problem” has a negative connotation which implies that there is something wrong that needs fixing. We must modify our response to problems by shifting our focus from “what is wrong” to “what needs fixing”. By doing so, a problem is reframed as an opportunity to make life better, then it becomes a drive for positive change. 

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  1. There is no shame in imitation.

Larry Leifer says, “all design is redesign”. This is not to say that you can take other people’s work without giving due credit, no! What is being said, is that you can use other people’s experiences as a template for building yours. Look to the best in your field and try to mirror their lifestyle, work ethics, principles, integrity, commitment, dedication, and passion to succeed.You know what? If you follow the old church road, you just might end up at the old church.

  1. Commit yourself to radical collaboration.

We all have diverse strengths and weaknesses. That is why we must collaborate to complement each other. Collaboration involves sharing ideas and working collectively to achieve a common goal.  All great accomplishments are achievable through collaboration. For example, water is essential to life, yet it consists of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. Cement needs to mix with gravel to form concrete. Fire is weak without fuel. Such is the power of collaboration.

I hope you enjoyed going through these powerful hacks to building your achievement habit. It is working for millions across the globe, and I strongly believe you are about to experience that positive change too. Let us know your thoughts about these success hacks in the comment section. See you soon. 

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