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Simple Ways You Can Worship God Today

Simple Ways You Can Worship God Today

Worship was one of my favorite things for me to do as a kid on a Sunday morning. Sunday service was always spicy but without music, it was bland. I needed music to create an atmosphere of worship. My relationship with Jesus grew, and as I got an in-depth revelation of God and His Word, I realized that Christian worship is more than just singing to God. Worship is a way of expressing awe and love for God for who He is. Christian worship is both an attitude and an action. It involves granting God the adoration, reverence, and homage that He deserves.

Throughout Bible history, worshiping is the most potent way Christians passionately express love and gratitude towards Him. Essentially, worship is a fundamental aspect of a believer’s life. This is because, as believers, we are called to worship God “in truth and in spirit” and true worshippers are the kind Jesus seeks and wants to have a relationship with (John 4:23).

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

John 4:23 NIV

Like I said earlier, worship as a “baby believer or Christian” meant singing melodious songs and hymns to God. Let me clarify! Humming or lifting one’s voice in worship to Jesus, is a great way to express your love and show reverence to Him. In fact! It is the best way I know to be in awe of all the wonderful work He has wrought in my life (Psalms 89:1-2).

I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.

Psalms 89: 1-2 NIV

Nevertheless, our God is a God of variety (evident in the creation story where He created various animals, birds, and non-living things Genesis 1-3). So, it is important that we learn different modes to express adoration, foster intimacy, and connection, and enjoy fellowship with Jesus. 

These are the simple ways we can honor and show appreciation to God besides singing:

  1. Be still: A tranquil disposition does not automatically mean that one is resting from the things of God. Rather, it is those moments where we pause from our routines, get silent through meditating on the word of God, and experience the awesomeness of God. It can be for a minute or two. In those moments, there is an inclination to acknowledge how magnificent He is. Thus, one cannot help but be in awe of Him.
  2. Enjoy His Creation: Psalms 19:1-2 says it all. Appreciating the works of His hands is also a form of worship. He is the creator of the whole universe. Therefore, taking out time to cherish His works implies that you extol Him too. Now, tell me a better way to revere Him than to encounter Him, by admiring His creative prowess.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the works of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. 

Psalms 19:1-2 NIV

3. Show gratitude: Being thankful or showing gratitude is how you tell God about your total dependency on Him. It is a form of worship built on trust. It shows that a bond is formed. You are conscious of the fact that, without Him, you are nothing. And as such, constant appreciation springs forth.

We can genuinely pay homage to God when we have formed a connection. Worship enables this connection. It is spiritually gainful to seek ways in which we can give God all the adulation He deserves. 

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