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I got thinking today it’s not every time I have felt like giving thanks (Thank God it’s just a feeling).  Have you ever felt like giving thanks but the words won’t come out of your mouth? You may not always feel like it, but thank God we don’t work by our feelings! Start by thanking God for all the things he has done for you, and then it flows from within. Here is a story that illustrates the POWER of Thanksgiving.

For three days a multitude of men were gathered, along with them were women and children (but of course women and children were not counted as was their tradition then). Now the three days program had come to an end, they were famished. They didn’t notice that they had stayed that long without eating because they were hanging on to every word He was saying. He was a very caring man He could tell that they were very hungry and so He called his disciples and after much running around, they got seven loaves of bread and few fishes (Mark  8: 1-7). Finally the amazing part

…and he took the seven loaves and gave thanks…So they did eat

and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.

And they that had eaten were about four thousand… (Mark 8: 6,8,9)

This was the lifestyle of our Lord Jesus Christ, a life of thanksgiving, not minding what the situation around him was. After he gave thanks there was enough food to go around, not just that there was an overflow (Remember women and children were not counted). More people than we actually know were fed by the act of Thanksgiving.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in

Christ Jesus concerning you (1 Thess 5:18).

Do you want to do the will of God? Know that Thanksgiving is the will of God and it is God that worketh in us to will and to do of his good pleasure (Philippians 2: 13). It is the Holy Spirit that helps you to give thanks in Spirit and in truth, not just lip service, but Thanksgiving from the depth of your heart. Whenever you don’t feel like giving thanks ask the HolySpirit to help you. I see God bringing you out of that situation as you thank him today.

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