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The Biggest Distractions to Your Christian Faith: How to Avoid Them

The Biggest Distractions to Your Christian Faith: How to Avoid Them

The society, our careers, our daily lives, social, economic, and intimate relationships demand quality attention. This makes time management increasingly challenging. Consequently, the busyness of life can distract us from our Faith.

Picture your faith as a fast-moving vehicle on the road with a distracted driver. Nobody likes to share a vehicle with any driver that is distracted. Several unthinkable things could happen; the car could swerve off the road. You can get stuck in a pothole; the vehicle could flip over. The list is endless. It is no different from your Christian faith.

On your Christian journey, you will encounter all kinds of distractions. These diversions can lead you blindly through long, rocky, steep paths. Consequently, these strange routes end up taking you far, far away from God until you become completely separated.

Here are the most common origins of distractions in your spiritual life.


The human nature can be somewhat self-focused. We can quickly become overcome with worry about our problems. As such, we easily lose our focus on God. When we channel so much of our focus on ourselves, we lose focus on God quickly.

God loves us dearly. He also wants us to love and take care of ‘ourselves,’ of course. In his word, He has admonished us to ‘love‘ our neighbors as ourselves and to also love him. As Christians, we should be more people-focused instead of self-focused.

Lust and Love

Most people easily confuse one for the other, while some consider both as adolescent issues. There’s a lineup of other beliefs as well. However, examining them critically, love and lust are both spiritual distractions. It is common to find yourself thinking about your crush before thinking about God. Most people become so lost and engrossed in their dating partner that they no longer focus on their faith.

Breakups are often massive distractions as well. Victims can immerse themselves deeply in sadness to the point where they loose focus on God. Although we may be in meaningful relationships, we must never loose focus our focus on God.

There are a few other distractions such as entertainment, worldly interests, vanity, career, school, and several others.

The question that follows is, how do we avoid these distractions?

How to Avoid Distractions in Your Christian Faith

Distractions will continue to present themselves during your Christian journey. However, there are also several ways through which you can avoid them and stay focused until the finish.

Live the ‘Jesus” Life

Jesus is the most exemplary model of our faith in all of Bible history. During His time, He lived amid a sinful world. Yet, Jesus remained focused until the finish. Also, He completed all that the Father had sent Him to accomplish.

Tune Your Spiritual Senses

Fine-tune the senses of your spiritual eyes and ears to the word of God. Pay no attention to the voices of the world. Focus only on the voice of God through His word. Forget about the opinions of the world, especially when they do not align with God’s word.

Be Determined

Build your determination to finish the race. Strengthen your willpower daily by meditating on the word of God. Allow the spirit of God to lead you daily. This way, your attention will remain on the things of God and His will for your life.


We are one big family in Christ. Connect with grounded Christian brethren and friends and share the word. Pray for each other, especially through the hard and trying times. You can also seek fellow Christians as mentors.

Have a Vision

Your Christian journey should have a vision. Ask the Lord to show you his will for your life and give you a vision. You must write it down and have it boldly inscribed on the walls of your heart. Also, have a physical copy that you refer to daily. This way, your thinking, and meditation will be renewed each day automatically. It will bring back your focus to the things that matter the most. It will also lead you through your Christian journey. [Proverbs 29:18].

Learn Time Management

Time is everything. As a Christian, you must learn to prioritize your yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals. You must plan your physical and spiritual itinerary for each day. This enables you spend each second of your time wisely. In addition, you will achieve your physical and spiritual goals on time.

In the Bible, [Psalm 90:12], we are made to understand the essence of numbering our days through King David’s prayer. When you learn to ‘number’ the hours and seconds of each day, you can apply your heart to wisdom. It will help you live wiser as a Christian.

Feed the Spirit Man

Feed your spirit man daily with the word of God. Watch Christian TV programs, listen to gospel songs. Invest in other quality Christian material that is profitable to your faith in God. Also, associate with brethren of sound repute to strengthen your faith.


In this age of information overload, several distractions can easily sway the mind of the believer. It is essential for the child of God to seek out new ways to ward off earthly distractions. This awareness helps God’s children maintain a clear and unwavering focus on the word of God and the Faith.

With the help of God’s word, and through fervent prayers, we can overcome distractions. We can stay focused and not stir away from God. Jesus taught Peter to overcome the spirit of distraction. With this, Peter kept his heart focused. He was able to defeat every distraction and walk on water. Likewise, through prayers, the Spirit of God, and through His word, we can be victorious.

Remain blessed!

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