The Ultimate Gift For The Holiday Season: Why Jesus Stands Out

I am Assumpta Idaka - an aesthete, freelance writer and…
My major highlight of 2023 is my growing relationship with God. I remember entering the year with a yearning to know God more than ever and guess what? After sitting with God and His word throughout the year, it did happen.
Now, if you have ever experienced or are experiencing growth in your walk with God, you would notice that you begin to see things or act differently. Essentially, God’s word has shed light on the darkness of our lives, thus opening our eyes and hearts to a deeper understanding of things.
And one area I see the light of God shining brightly now, is my perception of God-related holidays.
I grew up in a Christian family. So, I would not say that I did not know the meaning of Christmas. I knew! But to grasp the essence and power of the period, it was until this Christmas that I fully understood the beauty of Christmas and why it is important that we celebrate it.
Here we go! Christmas cooking and activities are great for the period. But they only cover ¼ of what the period is truly about. The true essence of the season is the birth of God’s greatest gift to humanity.
It is a period chosen to celebrates His kindness and love for the world. Here, He thought it wonderful to send His only son to save us from the darkness and evil pervading the world.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NIV
However, while this is true, there are still millions of people who are yet to come to the knowledge of the gift given by God on this beautiful day. To them, Christmas is very much about gifts and activities. While this is fun, it is not the truth. Christmas is about God’s gift to humanity and what it entails for us, Christians. Hence, it behooves us as Christians, to ensure that other people in the world come to the knowledge of the true essence of Christmas and partake of the ultimate gift the period brings with it.
Therefore, for a clearer understanding, this post highlights the reasons why Jesus is the ultimate gift anyone could get this period and why it is important that we know this fact:
- He is our prince of peace: With the news of war, killings, and anxiety disorders everywhere, it is evident that the world is in need of the peace that Jesus brings. Nevertheless, one can only experience this peace if you have a relationship with Jesus. Therefore, in this age of unrest and violence, the ultimate gift one can get this Christmas and in life generally, is the gift of God’s son. This is because only He can give peace and hope in the midst of all the chaos.
- He is our everlasting father: Imagine being assured of eternal peace and life in Christ. Knowing that whatever the circumstances might be, Jesus will always be by our side, caring for us and protecting us. Well, this is the kind of hope you get when you belong to Jesus Christ. With Christ, we are certain of a father who is not bound by time or space. Consequently, he can never leave or forsake us. Simply put, once we accept his love, he has our backs for life. Tell me a greater gift than this, this Christmas and I will wait.
- He is our wonderful counselor: A counselor counsels, advises, or supports. Now, when the Bible refers to Jesus as the wonderful counselor, it simply means that Jesus is that great leader who is trustworthy and dependable and will always lead us to good. It also implies that when we turn to Jesus, we automatically get a caring and loving shepherd whose primary purpose is to get his followers to safety and happiness. Accept Jesus and be rest assured that because he is with you every step of the way, you can never be left behind.
Jesus is the ultimate gift you can get this Christmas. Yet to accept the gift of salvation? Embrace Jesus today and marvel at this gift that will forever keep giving.
Happy Holidays!!!
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I am Assumpta Idaka - an aesthete, freelance writer and a creative. I scribble, curate, and create. I am very passionate about fashion, arts, Jesus, and books.