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Three Essential Actions To Uncover Your New Year’s Word

Three Essential Actions To Uncover Your New Year’s Word

Creating vision boards, decluttering your space, and setting great goals are all unique ideas to begin your new year. But do you know what is an even better idea? It is striving for an intimate and loving relationship with Jesus this year. Why? When you have a deeper and loving relationship with Jesus, you are at the center of His will. And when you are at the center of His will, He automatically leads and guides you. 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go: I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭32‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is to say that while others might not know the steps to take in the new year or try to navigate the new year with all their strength and power, you already have an all knowing captain (God), leading and guiding you to success. 

However, God is a God of structure. Hence, He will not just lead and guide like any random person would. Instead, you will come to Him, sit down with him, and discover the message that He wants you to run with for the year (your word for the year). Bear in mind that it is with this word/message that He will guide your activities for the year.

The word for the year is not a mere joke or a phenomenon that seems right to engage in at the start of the year. It is uncovering God’s plans for your year through His word. And it is something every believer should seek to uncover at the beginning of the year. Because ‘your new year’s word’ is an individual guide God gives His children to help navigate the new year triumphantly. If your desire for this new year is to walk in God’s plan for your year, discovering your word is ideal.

Totally onboard with this spiritual new year practice but do not know how to go about it? Here are three steps to discover your word for the new year:

  1. Begin with prayers: Generally, to discover suggests interaction between two people or a person or a thing/ place. Simply put, you cannot discover your word for the new year if you have not sought the leading of God. And how do you do that? By spending time praying and listening to God. Therefore, the first step to understanding your word for the new year is to seek God in prayers.

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  1. Look for Scriptures: The second step to discovering your word for the year is to sit down and search scriptures. Note that you cannot be led or guided by God if you do not seek Him through His word. Indeed, it is a must if you want to hear God when He speaks to you. Also, when you search scriptures, it is easy for God to lead you to a scripture or scriptures that resonate with you, thus forming the basis for your new year’s word.
  1. Do a study about the word: After you have found a scripture/scriptures that resonate with you, do a study of the word; dig deeper to understand the word and appropriate it to your life. Additionally, after doing a study of the word, you can coin out a declaration from the word to confess and hold onto for the rest of the year.

The Bible tells us that “one with God is the majority. Essentially, it means that there is yet to be a person who God has led that has failed. Walk with God this year, discover your word for the year, and notice that God is the best leader to have leading you.

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