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Three Self-Care Tips No One Is Talking About

Three Self-Care Tips No One Is Talking About

A prerequisite for healthy living is self-care. In today’s world where productivity equals fatigue, self-care is highly recommended. This is because, a way in which to cope with stress involves taking care of ourselves. The World Health Organization defines self-care as the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illnesses and disability with or without the help of a healthcare provider. It is the act of engaging in activities that are beneficial to your being. In other words, self-care is essential for longevity and vitality.

The five types of self-care practices are:

Physical self-care: A healthy body translates to a healthy mind. Hence, for healthy and productive living, it is important to pay attention to our physical selves. Examples of ways in which we can take care of our physical selves include, skin care routines, exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy.

Emotional self-care: Emotional health is a significant aspect of health. This convention involves acquiring healthy emotional skills for healthy reactions to negative feelings. 

Spiritual self-care: As a Christian, this entails activities such as, meditating on God’s word, praying, worshiping. 

Social self-care: This that involves people. It is the art of consciously trying to spend time with the people you love and care for. It helps in giving balance to your day-to-day routine.

Mental self-care: Exercises geared towards mental development are reading books, solving puzzles, watching movies that influence positively, and self-dialogues. These are the ways to care for ourselves mentally. 

Health and wellness experts are succeeding in self-care, as it relates to the public. Despite that, there are other forms of self-care that should be considered. As a matter of fact, they are essential to achieving optimal results in diverse areas of life.

Let us proceed.

1. Discipline 

Contrary to popular belief, discipline is a form of self-care. It implies committing to daily actions that affect overall health. It is the consistency and doggedness you put into an activity that would yield good results regardless of what feels good now. The self-care in discipline is achieved when from a singular act, a ripple effect occurs, thus enhancing different areas of your life. Most times, discipline looks like exercising, finishing a task, sleeping early, and eating healthy. Consequently, positive outcomes such as, physical fitness, robust health, a good headspace, accrue.  

2. Forgiving 

The Bible recommends forgiveness. In Matthew 18:21-22, amid pain, Jesus emphasizes the need to forgive. Hence, forgiving is a mode of self-care that is essential for wellness and wholeness. In a world where to err is natural, it is important to practice forgiveness. Holding grudges is fatal to one’s health as it results in negative feelings like resentment, anxiety, vengeance, and anger. On the other hand, living in forgiveness yields good emotions.

3. Healing

Measures taken for proper healing to occur include setting good boundaries, avoiding triggers, and surrounding yourself with positive energy. It is not mere wishing or wanting. This self-care requires actively pursuing healing in areas of hurt. Furthermore, it is a conscious effort you make to rise above defeat either emotionally, psychologically, or mentally. Subsequently, when one pursues healing, healthy emotions like peace, hope, joy, gratitude, and fulfillment abound.

Yet to imbibe the self-care culture? Well! This is the right time to start. And if you are already practicing it, incorporating these self-care tips to your routine would prove beneficial.

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