Top ten relationship killers and how to deal with them
There is a school of thought that says everyone has the tendency to manipulate and everyone has at least manipulated somebody before but in maybe more subtle ways than others. Yes, I know you may want to always get your way (that is in itself is selfishness and I don’t think a selfish individual should be in a relationship) but relationships are often about compromise. You may not always get what you want especially if it’s through manipulation.
What to do: I would have loved to say “give yourself brain” but hey I am more civilized than that. In dealing with manipulations in relationships, a manipulator has to realize that they are manipulating or that you are being manipulated. If you are the victim realize you are being manipulated and call such a person out of such behaviour.
Also, realize what kind of situation you are dealing with. Often times manipulators were once abused or have a terrible childhood. If you are facing such a situation you may want to take that decision, whatever decision that is.