Top ten relationship killers and how to deal with them
Women more likely than men feel the need to talk and men tend to be listeners but communication isn’t about who talks more. Communication is the ability to pass your message effectively without being misunderstood by your partner. Have you ever had a quarrel with your partner and after much deliberation you both don’t understand the essence of the argument? Or you both discovered you were saying the same thing? Wondering what happened? Well, there was a break in communication.
What to do: James 1:19 says it all “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:” It can be hard to do but learn to apply this scripture in your relationship. Also get to know your partner better. Don’t ever think that you know your partner fully, ask questions. It makes communicating easier. Learn to talk about little things, so those big things don’t become an issue.