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Why Self-love Is A Way To Glorify God

Why Self-love Is A Way To Glorify God

Self-love is a very critical part of my life. I have spent so much of my teenage years to early 20s building a strong foundation in this area. According to webster dictionary, self-love means “to love one’s self.” Therefore, this means that when you practice self-love, you have a high value for your personal well-being and happiness. Moreover, self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

Our bodies are the temple of God which means that God lives in us. If we do not love our bodies or ourselves, we are indirectly telling God we do not love him. The spirit of unworthiness is not of God. It is easy to compare ourselves to other people or what society and the media says we should look like. However, God so carefully created us to be exactly who we are. Every wrinkle, flab or “perceived imperfection” is created intentionally and beautifully. 

When we appreciate the way God created us, we are giving Him glory. In my personal life, I have struggled with loving myself because I got teased a lot about certain features of my body. As I have grown up, I realized how silly those comments were. They did not hold any value because I vegan to see my beauty from the inside. My soul is beautiful because I was created by God. My body was strategically designed to keep me alive.

Take time in your day to practice self-love and watch your confidence boost. God’s desire for us is to live a life filled with love, joy, and peace. Loving yourself is a critical part of this because how can you give what you do not have? 

If you are in a situation when you struggle with self-love, try these tips that I use daily:

1. Practice Gratitude: When I wake up, I thank God for the way he made me. I thank him for his love that he wove into my DNA. 

2. Point Out One Thing You Love About Yourself: There has to be at least one thing you love about yourself. For me, I thank God for my hands and fingers daily. 

3. Speak Life: Everyday, I tell myself that I am beautiful, I am worthy, and I am deserving of all the love that I receive. 

When you feel unworthy or unloved, read these bible passages:

  • Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
  • Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”
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  • Wow nice ,I love this piece.
    Lack of self love means low self-esteem which can graduate into depression most times.
    We should always remember we are created in the image and likeness of God there for we are beautiful.
    By the way I love my hands ,slender fingers and long legs.

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