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Why You Must Pray If You Want To Grow Spiritually

Why You Must Pray If You Want To Grow Spiritually

It is one thing to receive Jesus into one’s life, and it is another to experience depths of His love and peace. Such depths happen through prayer. Prayer is not just the art of communicating with God. It is more about interacting with God on an intense level. And as such, there is heightened intimacy with Him. In other words, prayer is one of those spiritual exercises that fuel your spirit, opens you up to revelations, and fosters constant fellowship with His spirit.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 

John 15:7-8

However, the sad truth remains that most Christians forget or do not grasp the importance of prayer in their spiritual growth or journey. Hence, praying is not a priority in their spiritual journey. If you intend to have deeper revelations of God and His word, praying is a must. As it is the only way we can reflect Christ and feed others. This is to say that spiritual growth is for the empowerment of one’s spirit, to fulfill our sole purpose. Which is to bring everyone to repentance. Furthermore, prayer is the fertilizer that helps grow us into our full potential and purpose (which is embodying Jesus and carrying His word to the nooks and crannies). 

In case you are not still clear, as to why praying is a must, sit back and read on.


  1. The will of God is birthed in prayer: There is a famous saying that “when there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer”. This buttresses the point that prayer gives essence to what God wants to happen here on earth. Because if it is not in His will, I do not think He will answer. Therefore, you cannot grow as a Christian or a believer without knowing or doing God’s will. And how do you know His will if you do not pray and communicate with him.
  2. Prayer aligns you with God: Alignment implies being in sync with God’s will and knowing what to do per time. This means that there is a bond between you and the Father whereby he can speak to you and point you in the right direction. Alignment with God happens when you are in constant communication. In this case, there is a merging of His spirit with yours, due to constant interaction with Him. And as a result, there is access to deeper revelations of Him (growth).
  3. For edification: In Jude 20, the Bible admonishes us to build up our faith by praying in the Holy Spirit.

But you, dear friends, by building up yourself in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. 

Jude 1:20

It shows that prayer is vital to building up and edifying your faith. Edification implies the improvement of our spirit. So, prayer is a force that enables the betterment of our spirit man, culminating in spiritual growth.

  1. It builds and strengthens your relationship with God: Good communication builds and strengthens any relationship. We cannot claim to have a relationship with God and not be in constant communication with Him. Because a relationship with God entails having a personal revelation and touch of Him. Building and strengthening our bonds with God through the altar of prayer is a sure way to grow spiritually. 

Hope you understand the importance of prayer in your life now? As prayer does a lot in your faith journey.  

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