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Why You Need To Rest A Bit More

Why You Need To Rest A Bit More

Some of us think rest time is wasteful. In fact, some of us think we just need to rest within a short time and get back to that work business, or reading. The truth is, rest is important, and there are no two ways about it.

Genesis 2:2-3 (KJV) states, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

At one point in time or another, some of us might have chosen not to rest when we needed to or when we wanted to, and rather chose to work, read, and do something else.

I am one person who has made it a point to always research about things that I know are useful, and I got to know the benefits of having a good rest.

Here are some of the benefits of rest you need to know about:

  1. It keeps you healthy
  2. It keeps you refreshed
  3. You get more organized
  4. You won’t feel drained
  5. You won’t feel overwhelmed
  6. It helps you concentrate more
  7. It helps you be more productive
  8. It rejuvenates your body

Here is how you can prioritize rest:

Be conscious of your health

Be conscious of the fact that you need to take care of your health. You need to make it a point to always take care of yourself and be conscious of your well being. When you are conscious of your well being, you will take rest more importantly.

Be deliberate about it

When you want to rest, make sure you are intentional about it. for instance, if you take breaks and rests intentional. You need to treat it like it is of high priority to you. When you do this, you will find time for it.

Know what works for you

For instance, you need to ask yourself how best you rest or what is the best way you rest more than others? Knowing what works for you will help you plan for rest time effectively.

Schedule it

Set out rest times and mark them in your calendars. When you schedule it, you get reminded and you also get to view the rest period as a priority, you are more likely to get it done now than before.

Rest when you need to

Whenever you need to rest, ensure you rest. Putting it off to later will only make you stressed. Whenever you feel like taking so many things together that might weigh you down or stress you out. Take things step by step.

Be disciplined about it

Just because it’s a break doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be disciplined about it. For instance, if you have decided to take a rest at 2 pm, or take a day off; you need to ensure that you stick to your plans and do what you have stated you will do.

Know what rest is and what it isn’t 

Resting is not the same thing as lying down on a sofa and scrolling through social media. When you are taking a rest, ensure you actually do it and do it effectively.

Track it

Track how you are faring. You can decide to write down how you have followed the stipulated time you stated for your rest. When you track how you have been disciplined for it, you also get the chance to know which method worked, and which didn’t, for instance.

How do you prioritize rest? I want to hear from you in the comments section.

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